Truth of a blogger ~ Calisa Rhose


Wow. Just W.O.W.

My dear girlfriend, Joelene Coleman-awesome writer awarded li’l ol’ me for the cool R.E.A.L.I.T.Y. Blog Award!

Me. I wonder if I deserve it, but she obviously does, telling me in the email,

“I want those outside of Divas to see what all you offer…”

That could be a good thing…or not, Joelene. 😛 

Joelene is awesome. As a writerly person-she jumped in and saved my butt by judging some contest entries in a pinch and isn’t afraid to ask me for the same help- As YA writer Harley Brooks-she’s got Riley’s Pond published, nominated for YA of the year in 2012 Cybils Awards, and Designer Genes on the way- As a friend-I know I can yell whatever the need and she’s there. Funny enough, we have never met in person…yet. When Eliza Knight put a call out for her workshop “Edit Your Book In A Month” I signed up for it in August 2010, and met some of the most wonderful unpublished writers I’ll ever know. When the class was over none of us wanted to let go so Eliza set up our Yahoo group, Writing Divas, and we stay in touch, critique, cheer and comfort one another. Sometimes we just laugh. But we’ve almost all published since that class–I highly recommend EK’s EYBIAM class. Well worth the minimal fee–and remained close friends.

And now this… Thank you Joelene!

As if that isn’t enough for anyone, I was also awarded by my other dear friend and Lyrical Press sister, Mae Clair., so I’m doubling both awards together to acknowledge both of these lovely women who obviously love me. 😀

Mae and I haven’t known each other for years, but months, and I already consider her my good friend too. I’m honored she thought of me for this award (which I found out about AFTER I gave this to her! Sisters, I tell ya. :)) and can’t think of a more deserving recipient than she. With her debut book, Weathering Rock, out now and another on the way she visits and blogs almost daily. Where does she find the time when she also works full time? I admire her and love being a guest on her blog (which I will be very soon again). I only wish we could visit n person. 🙂 

Thank you for this award, Mae!

So the rules of the game is to Visit the blog of the person who nominated you, thank them, and acknowledge them on your blog. 

Answer the questions below and nominate (up to 20) bloggers whom you feel are awesome and deserving of notice. Visit their blog and let them know.

Cut and paste the award to your wall (with the ‘add media’ button). 

The questions: Oy… Have fun! Hang those panties on the line for all to see.

If you could change one thing, what would you change?

I would have gotten serious in my writing a lo-o-o-ng time ago, like in the 80s when I first started writing. As it is I feel I’ve wasted the last 30 years. But only as far as my writing goes, not any other aspect of my life, except maybe to spend more time talking, really talking, to my parents before they died. Can you imagine? I’d be like Barbara Cartland with all the books I could’ve published if I’d paid more attention as a 20 somethinger!

If you could repeat any age, what would that be?

I used to say I was staying 17 forever. My logic? I was old enough to do what I wanted and young enough to run home to Mommy and Daddy if things went awry. 😀 But now, I’d maybe stay 35. The kids were at the age they still needed me, and could entertain themselves (go to school) for a few hours each day so I was able to write. And I had the energy to write and do much more. I miss that energy.

What is the one thing that really scares you?

Spiders. ‘Nuff said. Well, if you want life changing…losing one of my kids or grand kids–or my husband, before their time–which should not before me at all. Living without even one member of my family terrifies me.

If you could be someone else for the day, who would it be?

Ha, me but taller. 🙂 Because I’ve worked too hard and lived too long to to become who I am to change now. LOL But I wouldn’t mind spending a few minutes in Sandra Bullock’s shoes because that woman is just amazing! I seriously don’t think I could take being more than an hour or two of her kind of awesomeness, though.

And my nominations are:

Niecey Roy

Mae Clair

Mackenzie Crowne

Cerian Hebert

Cait O’Sullivan

Karen Nutt

Thanks for stopping by and to my nominees…thanks for playing along. Do stop by and visit their sites. They’ve all got great stories to share!  Have a great weekend.

Posted on 02/27/2013, in AHA moments, awards, Blogs, Pen of the Dreamer, Promotion and tagged , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 15 Comments.

  1. Ms. Calisa, when and if I ever see you, I will give you the biggest hug ever 🙂 Here’s my post stating all the reasons why you’ve become someone special to me, even if I may never get to tell you in person!


  2. Thanks so much for the nomination. So sweet! I enjoyed the post. Interesting questions and answers. I wouldn’t mine being me and a little bit taller. lol


  3. Awww well shucks, a nomination from someone I admire so much is a thing to behold. And to be in such company. Wow! I agree, Mae is an incredible woman, whom I haven’t met either, but hope to someday, along with a whole list of awesome chickies. Love you, babe.


  4. You deserve the nomination! And I agree, who would you rather be than you?
    I think you’re great. Sandra Bullock is awesome, but I don’t think I’d want all that press.


  5. Calisa, you’re a total honey for nominating me :). Thanks so very much — you’ve put a big smile on my face today yay. Love your answers too! I would like to have become serious about writing earlier too, but hey, there just wasn’t the space in my life at the time. Thanks again 🙂


  6. Very cool answers. I really like the one about what you would have changed. I hadn’t thought of it, but it is so true of me too. Thanks for the nomination. Guess what? I just did this one last week and nominated you, LOL. I guess I forgot to let you know. In my defense, I was fighting vertigo 😀 Congrats on the award. It’s well deserved!


    • Oh no, Mae. You probably did tell me. Have I mentioned I’m in need of treatment for memory loss? Or no memory at all? Something like that. I’ll go search my award from you out. How blessed and loved I feel! I’ll just add yours to this one (you can do the same of this one to the other one you received if you want).


  7. I loved getting to know more about you. And you certainly deserve the award. Yay you!


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