Alicia Dean with Death x2!


Today and tomorrow I have a special guest visiting on the Ranch. One of the first wonderful writers I met after moving back to Oklahoma was a lady who actually had recently moved to Kansas but kept her membership with the Outlaws of OKRWA. She was helpful to my learning my way around a mini conference we do here; OKRWA Summer Heat Mini Conference. We have an agent and an editor come in from a publisher/agency and take pitches. (Anyone can attend for a low fee and have a chance to get your work in front of an acquiring member of a known literary agency or publisher. The last two we had editors from Harlequin and agents from The Irene Goodman Literary Agency and The Knight Agency.)

This writer was such a help and so very friendly, and has since moved back to Oklahoma. And then I got one of her books at our Christmas party—and became an instant fan! So naturally when she reached out for Beta readers for a new Self-Published series she started last year, my hands went up high. Then I began to wonder about ‘the writer’ and when she wanted to promote her series I took my chance and asked about her writing career.

Here in virtual person is my friend, Alicia Dean. Let’s give her a huge Ranch welcome!

Alicia, the Round Pen is yours to do as you please. Tell us about you and your writing.

It was great meeting you, too, Calisa. And I’m so thrilled that your story was the first published in the Tales of the Scrimshaw Doll Series. Thank you for having me as your guest here at the Ranch. I have three grown children–two girls and a boy–and I live in Edmond, Oklahoma. I have a ton of wonderful friends and loving, supportive family members. I’m so very blessed.

I’ve wanted to write since I was a child, and I’ve dabbled in it all my life. I actively began pursuing publication in 2001 and my first novel, a romantic suspense called Nothing to Fear, was published in 2007 by The Wild Rose Press. I now have five published novels (in June, it will be six)  and four short stories (in August it will be five <g>. I have a short story coming out with TWRP August 8th that’s part of the Tales of the Scrimshaw Doll series)

I write both paranormal and suspense, but I wanted to write a suspense series with recurring main characters. I didn’t want my heroine to be in law enforcement, so I tried to think of an occupation that might put her in contact with nefarious characters, so crime writer came to mind. Then, randomly, the idea popped into my head…what if a killer put names of his intended victims in the obit column before he killed them. Death Notice was born, the sequel followed, and I have a few more sequels in mind. However, before I can get to Book 3, I have a novella and another manuscript to write. 🙂

What a great book with an enticing cover! How and where can we stalk…er, find you?


Twitter: @Alicia_Dean_

Facebook: Alicia Dean


Alicia Dean writes paranormal and romantic suspense and is the author of five published novels, two novellas, and a handful of short stories. She has three grown children and lives in Edmond, Oklahoma. Alicia loves nothing more than crafting spine-chilling, edge-of-your-seat suspense.

Say hey to Alicia and come on back tomorrow for part two of the Northland Chronicles: Death Offerings! Leave a comment today and/or tomorrow for a chance to win an Amazon or B&N gift card from Alicia!


About Calisa Rhose

I'm a mother of three daughters and wife to a wonderful man of 35+ years. I'm also an avid seamstress, polymer clay artisan and die-hard crafter, always coming up with things to make with, and for, my six granddaughters and two grandsons. Check out my craft site when you have a moment. I'm also a small online business owner of Okie fLips on Etsy and Poshmark (eBay/Merkari coming soon), and I'm a published author of sensual romance. I write about stubborn men and women who don't take no for an answer, and there's always that golden HEA. Cowboys and first responders are my favorite contemporary heroes to write about. My light paranormal heroes are strong men ready to protect their women--not that they need protecting, since they are capable of caring for themselves.

Posted on 05/22/2012, in guest blogging, Promotion, The Wild Rose Press and tagged , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 47 Comments.

  1. Reblogged this on Dreamin' and commented:
    Alicia is at it again. Another great blog and a great presenter Calisa Rhose. Thank you for helping dreams gleam


  2. The best things happen at OWFI like great friendships. And Alicia, can’t wait to get to Death Notice. I’ve got it downloaded. Wishing you the best. great job


  3. Hi Nancy…sorry. Just now saw this. I think I’m cross-promoting with the mystery, but I don’t do a lot of promoting at all, LOL. Thanks for stopping by! Best of luck with your writing.


  4. You sound like you’re really busy writing in two genres (like me). I hope you’re cross-promoting with the mystery genre? Your series has an interesting premise and could have appeal to mystery/suspense fans.


  5. LOL, Chryse. Thanks for the kind words about Death Offerings. So glad you’re enjoying it. And, although I’d love to give it a shot and see just how much ‘hard work’ athletes are, the person whose massage therapist I’d like to be is an actor on the Vampire Diaries, Ian Somerhalder. 🙂 Hope you continue to enjoy the book when you get time to read!


  6. Absolutely wonderful part 2 interview! I’m a little over halfway through with Death Offerings and am LOVING it…wish I could find a little more time to finish it. Best of luck. As a massage therapist, however, athletes are *hard work.* Nice fantasy, but I don’t know about the reality of that one 🙂


  7. Aw, thanks sis. Love you and appreciate you so much!


  8. Hi Alicia! Since you have known me from the minute I was born, yes folks….we are sisters! 🙂 I guess there isn’t much I can add to this except I am VERY proud of you. I have been around from childhood watching you chase this dream. It has taken many years, lots of sacrifices & TONS of hard work. But….here you are, living the dream! I just wish everyone knew how awesome, caring, & unselfish you are. Then, not only would they buy your books b/c they are the BEST, they would buy them b/c you are too!


  9. Remember Alicia will be back tomorrow and will give away a gift card to one lucky commenter from both days combined! 🙂


  10. Yes Claire! Drag on down here! 😀


  11. Hey, Alicia! I’m stalking you. No teasing. Death Notice was awesome, as is the sequel. Everybody go buy it 😛 It was such a treat having you in KC. You need to come back here for a visit. Or perhaps I need to drag my rear there and meet these other OKRWA awesome authors.


    • Hi Claire…nice to hear from you! I think we need to do both. I am SO ready for a trip to KC…and it would be awesome if you dragged your rear to Oklahoma! I’d love for my writer friends to meet you and vice versa. (I talk about you a lot. Maybe I’m the stalker ) Thanks for the plug. Miss you!


  12. I’m a fan 🙂 Alicia is an awesome writer, and editor. Her books are intense, her characters real and relatable. I’ve read her soon to be released novella from TWRP’s Tales of the Scrimshaw Doll series, as well as both books in her Northland Chronicles series, and can’t wait to see what she comes up with next!

    Oh, and Calisa rocks too! I love her book, Home, from the Tales of the Scrimshaw Doll series, as well as the awesome stuff I’m fortunate enough to read in our monthly critique meetings. I’m honored to have the opportunity to know and write alongside these beautiful, talented ladies.


    • Hey Anna! You’re such a sweetie. I love your Tales of the Scimshaw Doll story too and can’t wait to find out a release date! (Also can’t wait to read the suspense your’e working on). Thanks for the kind words!


    • Such a sweetheart, Anna! Thanks and I can’t wait for your Scrimshaw Doll book to release. Talk about an awesome story! Although I didn’t get a chance to read the revised version so I know that will be a nice surprise! We’re are both lucky to know some great authors both published and pre-published. 🙂


  13. Hi Alicia and Calisa!

    Alicia, I love the premise for this book…and the cover is perfect for it. Can’t wait to read it. I’m a huge true crime fan, so I’m sure this will be something I’ll enjoy 🙂


  14. Death Notice was a super book! I don’t need to be entered in the drawing but I wanted to stop by and give support. Good sales to you!


    • Thank you for the support, Diana. I appreciate you stopping by. I’ll enter you in the drawing, anyway, but thanks for the offer. Maybe you won’t win, LOL. And, if you do, it’s not like you’d win a copy of my book you might already have. 🙂


  15. What a great idea! But I’m learning your ideas are always great! I’ll bet your mind never shuts down. 🙂


    • 😀 My mind seldom shuts, down, Jess. Sometimes it won’t let me sleep, and sometimes it makes me pass my exit, or ignore people who are talking to me… LOL. Thanks for the kind words.


  16. Callie Hutton

    Hey Alicia (she waves). Missed you on Saturday. You know I loved Death Notice. You can find my review on Amazon. Best of luck with Death Offerings. I’m sure the sales will soar!!


  17. Hey, Alicia, I love your work. Some of the creepiest I have read. (How can that be a compliment???) All the best to you with your Death series!


  18. Usually a Death Notice is not what you want to read, Alicia, but your book is a whole different thing. Good luck with sales!


  19. Love that cover, Alicia! Good luck with the book!


  20. Alicia! Death Notice! Great title and what a great idea! It’s now on my reading list!


    • Awesome, Darcy. I hope you enjoy if you get around to reading it. I know if your reading list is anything like mine, it might take forever to wade through it. 🙂 Have a great day!


  21. Sending y’all a virtual wave across the country from Virgina! (Actually, I’m a transplanted Jersey Girl, so that “y’all” was a little tough to type!) Since I work in a newsroom, the concept of Death Notice intrigued me right from the start, and I still think it’s brilliant! I loved both it and Death Offerings (I agree, truly creepy), and I can’t wait for the next installment in the series. (I know, I know, it’ll be a while. I’ll just have to content myself with Soul Seducer.) 🙂


    • Aw, Leah. Thanks! I had no idea you’d worked in a newsroom. I should have asked for research help, LOL. Thanks for the kind words. Looking forward to something new from you too!


  22. Lindy Dierks

    Alicia- Great blog post. Now I know where the concept of Death Notice was born.


  23. Thank you Jannine, Diane and Natasha. I appreciate the support, especially coming from three wonderful writers such as yourselves. Glad you stopped by! Best of luck to you, too, Jannine. And, Diane…wish I could say Book 3 will be out soon, but it might take just a little bit. Maybe you’ll enjoy Soul Seducer if you get a chance to read it. 🙂
    LOL, Natasha. You know how I love creepy!


  24. Death Notice was awesomely creepy. I totally enjoyed the read! Janine’s right–it was a stellar premise!


  25. Diane Garner

    I agree with Silver: Death Notice AND Death Offerings were great reads. I’m already craving Book #3.


  26. janninegallant

    The premis – obit before death – is fascinating. Imagine your horror at seeing your name in black and white over your morning cup of coffee! Best of luck with all your projects, Alicia.


  27. Jennifer Lowery

    Awesome cover! Can’t wait to read it!


  28. I’ve always enjoyed your writing, Alicia! And you are a wonderful writing friend to have. Death Notice has such an intriguing premise and such strong characters. Loved reading it AND Death Offerings!


  29. Linda Cacaci

    I love suspense. I will be looking for your books to read. They look great!
    Linda Cacaci


    • Hi Linda, I also love suspense, which is a no-brainer. 🙂 Thank you for stopping by and I hope you enjoy my books if you get a chance to check them out. Have a great day!


  30. Thank you for having me, Calisa. I’m so happy to be here. Good luck to all who comment!
