Category Archives: guest blogging

Calisa Rhose with Heather Kinnane and her Faery Dreamy novel #fantasy #MFRWauthor #interview


Welcome one and all! Grab a beverage of choice, something sweet and sinful. No-no, not the men. What’s the matter with you? You know the hands-on rules… The guest gets first pick! 😉 Take a comfy seat for another, or a first, spin in the Round Pen.

I’m thrilled to welcome my wonderfully talented guest today, Heather Kinnane, who is sharing her book, A Faery Dream: Nerida’s Story with us!

Please show ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­Heather some real Ranch love!

Before I get to the nosy part of this interview, tell us a bit about you.

Hi everyone!

I’m an Australian writer of sweet and steamy romantic escapes. My books always have a happy ending, because there’s no guarantee of getting that in real life, and sometimes it’s just nice to know things are going to end well. I have three children, and a very supportive husband who is the only reason I’m able to find enough time to write books! He also provides the inspiration for my heroes. 😉

Author Bio: Heather Kinnane is the author of the romantic fantasy series, ‘A Faery Dream’, and the steamy menage series ‘Seeking Satisfaction’. She lives in Australia with her husband, children and pets, in a house in the bush. When she’s not writing she’s usually avoiding the housework by reading, gardening, or soaking up the natural world. Sometimes she’s lucky enough to be visited by echidnas, sugar gliders, or wedge-tailed eagles.

Okay, let’s begin.

My writing area at the moment is a corner of the couch in my living room. What does your writing space look like?

Ha – my writing space is often a corner of the couch, too! I am trying to be a little more organized this year though, so I’ve reclaimed the small upstairs office from my children (who discovered all the arty and crafty bits in the cupboards and took over), and am enjoying having a bit of space where I can spread out and know I (mostly) won’t be disturbed.

For a lot of writer’s it’s a life-altering event coming up with titles and character names. Others it comes as naturally as breathing. Which is it for you?

Titles and names are so difficult for me! It’s very rare that they just fall into place, mostly I spend ages agonizing over them, and changing them a billion times before I settle on something. I’m envious of those who can find names and titles easily. Wish it were contagious!

What advice would you offer aspiring and new writers?

Keep writing. It’s a bit cliché but honestly – the only way to be published is to keep going. Perseverance is the key.

The constant shift of the industry makes me often scratch my head and ask ‘what next?’ So, what do you think it takes to be a successful author at the moment?

I’m not sure I know how to answer that one! So tricky! Like you say – there’s a constant shift – always new things to try. And then you have to be careful that the trying new things doesn’t steal away precious writing time (with three kids any moment I can get to myself is precious – I’ve got to be careful how I spend it!). I guess this answer is a bit the same as above – just keep writing. If you’re writing good stories, the readers will find you (eventually).

Who would you like to meet in the publishing industry- dead or alive- and why?

It would be great to meet Stephen King! I love his work – The Dark Tower in particular is one of my all-time favourite series.

It’s time for 3 in 1! I’ll ask the questions and you answer them in one word. 😆

Favorite animal? Cat

Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter? Autumn

Favorite food? Chocolate

Well done! And for those who question her answer, CHOCOLATE IS A FOOD GROUP! 😉

Okay, Flash four. Ready? What are you working on now?

I wrote a novella during Nanowrimo last year, and I’m working my way through that at the moment… it’s a re-telling of the old Scottish Ballad of Tam Lin – awesome heroine saves her lover from the Fairy Realm. I’m pretty pleased with how it’s going, so far.

What are you sharing today?

My newest release is the third in my ‘A Faery Dream’ series – ‘Nerida’s Story’ – though this one is focusing on a different character, so it works as a stand-alone too.

Nerida’s whole life has been focused on preparing for one thing – to be Consort to the King of Faery. She’s kept herself distant, awaiting the day when the King would be found and she would take her place beside him.

But there is no King. Instead, Nyssa is now Queen, with Kellen, Nerida’s brother, as her Consort.

Nerida has never felt so lost in her life.

When Imradon appears, he brings out feelings Nerida thought she’d never experience. But fighting against a lifetime of conditioning is hard, and then there’s the big question: does she want a partner, or is she just looking for something—anything—to fill this terrible emptiness?

A Faery Dream 3: Nerida’s Story, can be read as stand-alone or part of the series. 

Where can we find you and your books?

Nerida’s Story can be found here:



My website:

My amazon page:

Where will you be next?

I’m hanging out on Twitter at the moment

But you can also find me on Patreon ( – with lots of deleted scenes, and early glimpses of what I’m working on, and plenty of other things too. 😊  

Thank you so much for playing along Heather! Wishing you much luck with your book and writing. I hope you’ll come visit again one day.

Thank you so much for having me Calisa! I had so much fun – already looking forward to catching up again next time. 😊


Calisa Rhose welcomes Science Fiction author Kayelle Allen #MFRWauthor #interview #scifiauthor


Welcome one and all! Grab a beverage of choice, something sweet and sinful. No-no, not the men. What’s the matter with you? You know the hands-on rules… The guest gets first pick! 😉 Take a comfy seat for the first Tuesday Round-Up interview of 2018 in the Round Pen.

I couldn’t imagine a better guest to kick off the New Year and I’m thrilled to welcome a multi-talented guest today, and my friend. Kayelle Allen is sharing her book, Bringer of Chaos: Forged in Fire with us!

Please show Kayelle some real Ranch love!

Before I get to the nosy part of this interview, tell us a bit about you.

I’ve been published since 2004. In 2006, as a response to questions from friends for marketing help, I founded Marketing for Romance Writers, a peer-mentoring group open to the entire literary community. MFRW is now a large online author peer-mentoring group, and provides no-cost training in book marketing skills as well as free promotional services for its members. In 2009, I opened the Romance Lives Forever blog for authors. The site now has a reach of over three million. I teach workshops online, and I’m an invited speaker at numerous online conferences. I’ve been a featured speaker at Outlantacon since its founding and hold an honorary lifetime membership there. I was a board member for Gaylaxicon, and have been a panelist at DragonCon and a featured guest at NerdaCon. My books have won multiple awards, including the EPIC eBook Award for Science Fiction Romance, and one was a finalist in Fantasy. My motto is “romance lives forever” and my books include unstoppable heroes, uncompromising love, and unforgettable passion. I’m married to my personal hero and we live in the metro Atlanta area, near our three grown children and five grandchildren. My husband and I are both US Navy Veterans. We met while on active duty in Memphis, TN.

I still don’t know how you do all that you do! You are a true inspiration, Kayelle.

Okay, let’s begin. My writing area at the moment is my lovely (if more than a lot cluttered at times) office/craft room in the solitude of the second floor of our house, where I rely on my laptop to take me to new places. Sometimes I take the laptop for a walk downstairs when the solitary life of a writer gets to me. What does your writing space look like?

I have a basement office that permits me to step away from everything. I use a desktop computer but sometimes go out for coffee and take a tablet with me. My room’s pretty cozy. I hole up there for long periods when I’m writing.

For a lot of writers it’s a life-altering event coming up with titles and character names. For others it comes as naturally as breathing. Which is it for you?

I rarely struggle with character names. They pop into my head with complete backstories. I can’t explain that. It just happens. For example, I needed a name for a character who was a staff member for my empress. I couldn’t keep writing “her assistant.” So I looked around the room and happened to spy a notepad that had the brand name “Elite.” I thought he’d be elite indeed, so I named him Alitus. The moment I had the name I knew a backstory and description. He actually ended up getting his own book.

I only know of one other author who can do that. Amazing.

What advice would you offer aspiring and new writers?

Two things. 1. Don’t quit. Anyone can start writing. It’s those who keep going who finish the book. 2. Study the craft and learn the skills needed. Don’t expect an editor to polish your work. You polish it. Let the editor buff to a shine.

Great words of wisdom!

The constant shift of the industry makes me often scratch my head and ask ‘what next?’ So, what do you think it takes to be a successful author at the moment?

Relationships with readers. You have to get out and meet people, not only in person but online. If you’re not willing to use social media, you are crippling yourself. Likewise, go to other authors’ readings at bookshops. Network. Support other authors. That’s how you get your name out there.

Who would you like to meet in the publishing industry- dead or alive- and why?

JD Robb. I’m such a fan of her work.

You and me both! Or rather, Nora Roberts in my case. 🙂

It’s time for 3 in 1! I’ll ask the questions and you answer them in one word. 😆

Favorite animal? Panther (ooh! An answer as unique as you.)

Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter? Yes

Favorite food? Chocolate

Well done! An all-seasons gal. 🙂

Okay, Flash four. Ready?

What are you working on now?

I’ve started on book 3 of the Bringer of Chaos series, Watch Your Six. Readers know Six is a character in the stories. The only human on the planet at this point. Everyone else is immortal. But I’m also making notes on at least three other books at the same time. I focus on writing only one, however. Notes is all I make on other projects.

I should probably take notes from you!

What are you sharing today?

When the immortal Pietas is marooned on a barren world with no food and few survival tools, he knows it could be worse. He could be alone. But that’s the problem. He’s not.

Half a million of his people sleep in cryostasis, trapped inside their pods and it’s up to Pietas to save them. He can’t release one at a time. It’s all or nothing. He’s facing over five hundred thousand hungry, thirsty, homeless, immortals all looking to him for answers.

It’s not all bad. The beautiful telepathic warrior he’s loved for lifetimes is at his side. He’s bonded with a sentient panther. He hates humans but the one dumped on this planet with him has become a trusted friend.

But before Pietas can build shelter, figure out how to grow food, or set up a government, he must take back command from a ruthless enemy he’s fought for centuries. His brutal, merciless father.

Immortals may heal, but a wound of the heart lasts forever…


Amazon and in print. Free on Kindle Unlimited

Review this book on #NetGalley

Where can we find you and your books?

Romance Lives Forever Reader Group
Amazon Author page

Where will you be next?

For any who want to meet me, I’ll be appearing in person at OutlantaCon mid-May. I hope to have some local events in the Atlanta area as well. Join my reader group and you’ll be first to know where I’m going.

How fun! Wish I could be there!


Here is a free adult coloring book to download and print, based on my characters. It contains original art. I hope you enjoy it!

Thank you, Kayelle!

I’d like to ask a question of your readers if I may. When you visit an author’s website, what two things do you look for? (Example, book covers, bio) I’m updating my website and I’d love to have some feedback on that. Thank you!

Thank you so much for playing along Kayelle! It’s always a joy catching up with you. Wishing you much luck with your books and writing. I hope you’ll come visit again soon.


Calisa Rhose visits with Eve Rabi- You gotta read! #mfrwauthor #tuesdayroundup #interview


Welcome one and all! Grab a beverage of choice, something sweet and sinful. No-no, not the men. What’s the matter with you? You know the hands-on rules… The guest gets first pick! 😉 Take a comfy seat for another, or a first, spin in the Round Pen.

I’m thrilled to welcome my wonderfully, inspirationally talented! guest, Eve Rabi, who is sharing her book, The Other Woman with us!

Please show ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­Eve some real Ranch love on her first rodeo at the Ranch!

Before I get to the nosy bits, tell us a bit about you.

First of all, thank you for allowing me the privilege of appearing on your delightful blog, Calisa (awesome name, by the way!).

Aw, thanks Eve! I love your name too.
I am a full-time author – 28 books, 5 screenplays, and a handful of short stories waiting to be published.

I am a hopeless romantic, but I also dig romance with bite. I can’t handle the same ol’, same ol’ vanilla romance and I’m not that keen on erotic.
So, I write romantic crime and suspense stories with humor.

I am inspired by the likes of Gillian Flynn, Sidney Sheldon, John Grisham and basically stories with themes of revenge in them.

I have two know-it-all daughters, a Pomeranian named Li’l Bow Wow, who failed obedience school (but I love him anyway) and two cats who know how to open the fridge and steal food. (They’re obsessed with food, I tell ya.)

Love the Pom’s name and it sounds like your cats take after you! LOL Now if you can train them to open your wine… 😉

In my spare time, I like to dance like no one is watching, much to the chagrin of my daughters. (I used to teach Latin American dancing when I was younger.  And thinner.)

I also love music, all kinds, even rap, heavy metal, head-banging crap – I just love and appreciate music, so I go to lots of concerts. Just saw Adele recently.

I’m into fashion and make-up in a huge way, and if I wasn’t writing books, I’d probably be a stylist or a make-up artist.

I hate housework, so alas, I do not have a spotless house. My car isn’t spotless either. If you want to see me in a bad mood, stick around while I clean up – I turn into a rabid banshee. 

However, if it scores points with you, my wardrobe is color coded – shoes, jewelry, bags – all neatly arranged and color coded. See where my priorities lie? I’m screwed up, you can say it.  

I live to write and I’m happiest when I am crafting a story. If I don’t write, I get cranky and go in search of chocolate and junk food.

Okay, I’ll begin the inquisition now that we’ve gotten that out of the way. My writing area at the moment is a corner of the couch in my living room. What does your writing space look like?

Well, Calisa, I do have a nice office, all rigged up with charts etc, but when I write, I tend to move around my house – the dining table, the patio, over my treadmill and my bed! I love slipping under the covers with my two cats and my Pomeranian lurking around while I hammer away at my keyboard. Right now, it’s winter and it’s cold and rainy, so under the covers in my bedroom is the ideal place to be.

Wherever I write, you can be assured, it’s messy, with coffee cups, used crockery, discarded socks, tissues and … chocolate wrappers! Yep, I’m totally undisciplined and messy, which annoys my daughters, who, by the way, are OCD when it comes to cleanliness. Can you believe it?  Some people say it’s a good kind of OCD to have, but I dunno; it’s like living with your mother-in-law.

You know, I actually do have an office now. A lovely craft room-slash-office-slash-sewing room my husband fixed up in the spare bedroom. I didn’t have it for so long before now. I just keep forgetting to update this question to reflect that! LOL But I still end up in my cozy recliner most of the time.

For a lot of writers it’s a life-altering event coming up with titles and character names. Others it comes as naturally as breathing. Which is it for you?

Oh, I find coming up with titles hard. I struggle with it.

However, I love naming my characters – unusual and meaningful names. I usually change characters names by the end of the book, as I find that as I write, the character often takes a different shape.

I come from a family of unusual names, Skye, Raine, Storm, Flame, Ruby, Iris … to name but a few, so my characters have names like Rival, Arena, Drover, Burn, Bridie …

Ooh! I may have to steal some of those names! My daughters are Calais, Keri and Stephanie Merie. We also have granddaughters; Andee, Mackenzie, Nikkia, Kaia and Safira Lyric. If we get another grandgirl someday her name will probably be Daisy Rain (after my mom, Daisy). My niece named her children Kallen (the only boy in the family!) and Kaisly. I LOVE  unique names!

Ok. What advice would you offer aspiring and new writers?

Don’t stop writing. Listen to your critics, sure, but don’t take their advice all the time. Believe in your story. If you like it, chances are your readers will like it too.
Also, be nice to other writers. They aren’t your competition and they can help you. Support them and they will return the favor.

This is SO true! Much more than I expected when I first began writing and reaching out.

I have some awesome author friends across the globe, who I have never met in person, but they are always there for me, and vice versa. Especially when the Internet trolls attack (which is usually another unsuccessful author hiding behind her computer screen).

Unfortunately, also true. 😦

I’m lucky to have these great authors in my life. One of those kind and caring authors is the lovely Lisa. M. Owen. She rocks. Even her fiancé, a former marine named John rocks.

Lisa is very lovely. She’s been here a time or two I believe. 🙂 The constant shift of the industry makes me often scratch my head and ask ‘what next?’ So, what do you think it takes to be a successful author at the moment?

This is just my opinion:

The competition is greater than ever and a number of authors are forced to get full-time jobs to pay the bills. To avoid this, I believe that you should take your book to the readers. Cross promote with other authors and share their work.

Facebook groups are good too. However, promoting takes time. If you can get some help with promoting, you will score. Writing and publishing books is a business, and if you’re not spending eight hours a day on your business, chances are you will not be as successful as you’d like to be.

Who would you like to meet in the publishing industry- dead or alive- and why?

Well, I’d love to have dinner with Chelsea Handler and Ellen. Why? Because they are funny, smart women. I would serve lots of vodka and tequila shots, of course. Then I’d encourage them to drunk-dial all the people who pissed them off in life.

Don’t you think that will be a fun night?

Oh, hell yeah! 😆

I’d record the evening, of course.  

Now, I’ll ask questions and you answer them in one word. 😆

Favorite animal? Cats – I am one step away from being a crazy cat woman. (Calisa cuts in-You and my sister!) But I’m an animal lover, so I love all animals, really.

Our mixed breed Boxer had 5 pupies five weeks ago and I want to keep them all! My daughter’s Chihuahua just had 6 babies today…and I want them too!

Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter?

Summer – love the long, warm days where you can end it with a tall glass of sparkling white wine.  

Favorite food?

A chocolate burger – I’m a junk food lover, what can I say?

Definitely need that recipe, Eve! Well done! 🙂

Moving on. What are you working on now?

I’m working on a sequel to The Other Woman – a betrayed wife takes on the other woman.

It’s a story about love, lust, betrayal and revenge. Big revenge. Huge!

For those readers who enjoy romance with bite, this will be the series for you.

As one Amazon reader put it, “If you’re tired of the same old boring romance, same old plots, try this author’s books. They’re romance with twists and turns that will keep you glued to your kindle.”

What are you sharing today?

The Other Woman – A betrayed wife takes on the other woman with scandalous results. (Romantic crime and suspense)

Question: A seductress steals your husband, rips apart your family and shatters your dreams. You: 
a) Wish them luck and walk away with your head held high (because that’s what society expects you to do)? 
b) Quietly seethe but accept that there is just nothing you can do about it (because it easier for everyone if you do)? 
c) Dig up dirt on the bitch (because someone like this would undoubtedly have dirt), use it to sabotage their relationship, then sit back with a glass of Pinot Grigio and watch them burn? 
Answer: C. Oh, totally C.
Meet Scarlett Smyth. She’s drop-dead gorgeous, has a rocking body and has an above average IQ. She brags that she can ensnare any husband or taken male, and …she often does. She also is ambitious and has a penchant for anything expensive. 
When the shrewd and ambitious temptress lays eyes on Bradley Murdoch, she believes she has found her dream man and a ticket to the high life she’s entitled to. There are just two problems: 
1) Bradley is married to Rival. Happily at that. 
2) They have children. Adorable little girls. 
Do those facts deter Scarlett in any way? No, not at all. She is determined to steal Bradley, smoothly replace Rival in his life and show him how to really live life. 
In a calculating move, the seductress (she is so good at seduction, she is even penning a book on it) befriends the quiet and unassuming Rival and worms her way into Bradley’s life. 
There’s more: To expedite things, Scarlett the mistress, engineers a way to wipe Rival out of the picture – sends the clueless wife on a “vacation”. 
But Scarlett may have underestimated her opponent. When Rival realizes the extent of the betrayal, she decides, even though she lacks Scarlett’s genius IQ, not to turn the other cheek. In fact, she is determined to win back her husband, believing that he is a good man who is simply mistaking lust for love. She believes that someone like Scarlett has to have skeletons in her cupboards and she begins to snoop around, anything she can use against the other woman, anything that can help her exact revenge.
What Rival doesn’t realize is: no one crosses Scarlett and gets away with it. 
Now, the betrayed wife and the other woman collide.


The result is another gripping suspense thriller from bestselling author Eve Rabi. This suspense mystery & psychological thriller is free on Kindle Unlimited 
“I could not put this book down, I finished it at 2:30 in the morning and I had to get up for work @ 6:30. However, it was worth every yawn. Read it and you will see why.” Amazon reviewer

Where can we find you and your books?

Eve Rabi is the author of 28 crime and suspense novels, three screenplays and more than half a dozen short stories. Inspired by the likes of Sidney Sheldon and Gillian Flynn, her tales are bold, scandalous, controversial. They’re also peppered with romance and humor. To quote an Amazon reviewer: “When you pick up an Eve Rabi book, forget sleep. She writes gripping page turners that will keep you reading till the very end.”
In her spare time, Eve likes to dance like no one is watching. In fact, she also likes to eat like no one is watching.

For more of Eve Rabi’s works, click on any of the links below:
Amazon U.K.:
Google +:

If you would like to sample my work for free, try before you buy (I currently am offering four free books), then click on the link below:
Amazon U.K.:

Where will you be next?

I have a number of books in the pipeline with not enough hours in the day to write these stories. The one thing you can be sure of, is that, as a writer, I am here to stay.

Calisa, I would rather gift you another one of my books as a thank you for allowing me to grace your lovely blog. 🙂

I’m honored to receive one of your books! Wishing you much luck with your book(s) and writing. I hope you’ll come visit again soon. Maybe on UnCover Monthly?

Thank you so much for allowing me the privilege of gracing your lovely blog, Calisa. It was a pleasure and the questions were fun. 🙂

Thank you so much for playing along Eve! I loved your responses, great fun!


Calisa Rhose chats with Lisa Owens about Damaged #mfrwauthor #interview #tuesdayroundup


Welcome one and all! Grab a beverage of choice, something sweet and sinful. No-no, not the men. What’s the matter with you? You know the hands-on rules… The guest gets first pick! 😉 Take a comfy seat for another, or a first, spin in the Round Pen.

I’m thrilled to welcome my talented guest today, ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­Lisa M. Owens, who is sharing Damaged with us!

Please show ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­Lisa some real Ranch love!

Before I get to the questions, please, tell us a bit about you.

I am currently going back to school full-time to get my bachelor’s degree in psychology. But I still have plenty of time to write heart-stopping romance!

When I’m not working in my lovely new office upstairs, my writing area is my cozy recliner in the living room. What does your writing space look like?

That’s funny. I have a lovely new office space too. That’s where I spend most of my time writing. Sometimes I spread my computer and research out on the dining room table and write.

LOL I spend more time in my recliner because my office is secluded upstairs and I feel alone in the world if I stay in it too long.

For a lot of writers it’s a life-altering event coming up with titles and character names. Others it comes as naturally as breathing. Which is it for you?

It seems to come naturally to me. The titles and characters come to me before the plot of the story does.

Mine usually do too. Wonder what else we have in common? 🙂

What advice would you offer aspiring and new writers?

Never stop writing. That was advice that was given to me and it has since proved to be worth its weight in gold. Never stop. No matter what people tell you or who tries to stop you.

The constant shift of the industry makes me often scratch my head and ask ‘what next?’ So, what do you think it takes to be a successful author at the moment?

Stubbornness. Refusing to give up. This is a tough industry and it’s hard to be successful but the one’s that are successful have one thing in common: they never gave up.

I agree wholeheartedly!

Who would you like to meet in the publishing industry- dead or alive- and why?

Eve Rabi. She has helped me in enormous ways as an author and I would love to meet her in person and tell her thank you.

It’s time for 3 in 1! I’ll ask the questions and you answer them in one word. 😆

Favorite animal? Butterfly (Calisa says: That’s not an animal, so we’ll call it one. I love it!)

Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter? Winter

Favorite food? Chocolate

Well done! 🙂 So let’s share a bit.

What are you working on now?

A sequel to DAMAGED, titled DESTROYED

What are you sharing today?

Freedom isn’t free.

Staff Sergeant Austin Chandler learned this lesson well. Dealing with the devastating truth that his military career is over, he is discharged from the Marines and returns home from fighting the war in Afghanistan with battle scars he fears will never heal. But the truth is a bitter pill to swallow when he arrives at the airport and realizes his wife has abandoned him when he needed her the most. Broken in body as well as in spirit, Austin suffers not only from the slow-healing scars on his back, but also the wounds that her desertion has left on his troubled heart.

Until a chance encounter with a beautiful artist leaves him wondering if perhaps some things are meant to be. Trisha Morgan has secrets she is desperately wants to hide. With a troubled past and abandonment issues of her own, she fears love only leads to rejection and pain.

But can two wounded souls break through the battered barriers of each other’s hearts?

Where can we find you and your books?

Where will you be next?

Rosanna Leo

Nicole Strycharz

To celebrate the release of my fourth book this month, I am giving away four copies of my third book DAMAGED! To win a copy, all you have to do is include your email and tell me what you like about military heroes! The best answers will win a copy of DAMAGED.

So don’t forget to leave your preference and email, folks!!!

Thank you so much for playing along, Lisa! Wishing you much luck with your book and writing. I hope you’ll come visit again one day.


Calisa Rhose presents Caroline Warfield on Tuesday RoundUp #MFRWauthor #historicalromance #thereluctantwife


I’m turning the Round Pen over to fellow author, Caroline Warfield today!

The Reluctant Wife

Children of Empire, Book 2

Genre: Pre Victorian, Historical Romance  µ Heat rating: R (two brief -mild- sexual encounters)

ISBN: pending  µ Page count: 334 pages

Pub date: April 26, 2017

What drives people apart? What brings them together? These are themes I like to explore in my work. I introduced three mischievous boys as supporting characters in A Dangerous Nativity. To my surprise, they imbedded themselves in my imagination.  

When I began to plan a new series that would move the characters in my Dangerous Series forward a generation, I thought of those boys. What sort of heroes might they be? How did the problems they encountered growing up mold them?  Their interests, ambitions, and responsibilities would take them in different directions. As their stories emerged, however, I realized they had been driven far apart above all by the machinations of a duplicitous woman. (Of course they were! Did you doubt it?) It would take the right women to make them whole again.

Now I have three cousins, driven appar by deception, who must find their way back from the edges of the British Empire.

Their stories, set in the 1830s, began to form in my mind. I knew each one of them would eventually make their way home and find healing in the journey. The first, Rand Wheatly, had become a miserable recluse, living in the Canadian frontier and obsessed with wealth.  I told his story in The Renegade Wife, Book one of The Children of Empire. He and his cousin Charles sorted out some of their misunderstandings in that book, but left other issues unresolved. Charles, the Duke of Murnane, will be drawn into upheaval in Canton China before he can bring closure and final resolution in The Unexpected Wife, scheduled for October 2017.

The Reluctant Wife tells the story of Fred Wheatly who sought a military glory in the Bengal Army. He left England as a young man oblivious to the disasters he left in his wake. lll-suited to the politics and beaurocratic nonsense he encountered there, failure dogs his steps. Does he dare go home and face them?

Has anyting ever driven you away from family or friends? How did you resolve it? Or did you?


I will give a kindle copy to one randomly selected person who leaves a comment. The prequel to this book, A Dangerous Nativity, is always **FREE**. You can get a copy here:


When all else fails, love succeeds…

Captain Fred Wheatly’s comfortable life on the fringes of Bengal comes crashing down around him when his mistress dies, leaving him with two children he never expected to have to raise. When he chooses justice over army regulations, he’s forced to resign his position, leaving him with no way to support his unexpected family. He’s already had enough failures in his life. The last thing he needs is an attractive, interfering woman bedeviling his steps, reminding him of his duties.

All widowed Clare Armbruster needs is her brother’s signature on a legal document to be free of her past. After a failed marriage, and still mourning the loss of a child, she’s had it up to her ears with the assumptions she doesn’t know how to take care of herself, that what she needs is a husband, and with a great lout of a captain who can’t figure out what to do with his daughters. If only the frightened little girls didn’t need her help so badly.

Clare has made mistakes in the past. Can she trust Fred now? Can she trust herself? Captain Wheatly isn’t ashamed of his aristocratic heritage, but he doesn’t need his family and they’ve certainly never needed him. But with no more military career and two half-caste daughters to support, Fred must turn once more—as a failure—to the family he failed so often in the past. Can two hearts rise above past failures to forge a future together?

Find it here:

About Caroline Warfield

Traveler, poet, librarian, technology manager—award winning author Caroline Warfield has been many things (even a nun), but above all she is a romantic. Having retired to the urban wilds of eastern Pennsylvania, she reckons she is on at least her third act, happily working in an office surrounded by windows while she lets her characters lead her to adventures in England and the far-flung corners of the British Empire. She nudges them to explore the riskiest territory of all, the human heart.

Caroline has an active blog and her newsletter list recently zoomed past 3000.  She is a RONE award winner and has five star reviews from Readers’ Favorite, Night Owl Reviews, and InD’Tale. She is also a member of the writers’ co-operative, the Bluestocking Belles. With partners she manages and regularly writes for both The Teatime Tattler and History Imagined.


Amazon Author

Good Reads


Twitter @CarolWarfield



Get control of yourself, Clare, a small part of her brain urged, dimly aware that exhaustion and relief made her foolish. She didn’t care. Just that moment his arms around her back and his shoulder firm beneath her cheek felt solid. Safe. Dependable.

“Easy, easy. It’s only a tent,” he soothed, one hand making gentle circles on her back.

“You thought about us. No one ever—” He had looked after her, she realized, from the moment he found her at the inn in Calcutta comforting his children. No man ever took care for my comfort before.

She took a shuddering breath. Dependable? This is Fred Wheatly holding you, the man who— She didn’t remember what just then. She felt his kiss on her head, then her ear.

She raised her head and his mouth came down on hers. The gentle kiss made no demands, forced no response, and asked only trust. No man had ever kissed her like that. She couldn’t resist him. When he withdrew to look down at her, she closed the distance and kissed him back, tasting sweat, sand, and male.

“Papa? Are we there?”

He broke off the kiss and tipped his forehead to hers, silent laugher rocking him. “We have come to a place. That much is certain,” he responded. Clare didn’t think he referred to the way station.

What a great peek into The Reluctant Wife. And you’re offering up a FREE copy to a commenter! Readers, be sure to leave your email for the drawing.

Thank you, Caroline!


M.S. Kaye takes Once & Forever into the round pen #mfrwauthor #inspirationalromance #Tuesdayroundup


I’ve got M.S. Kaye on the ranch today to share her latest book Once & Forever with us. Lets sit back and enjoy.

Writing Inspirational Fiction without Preaching

I’m a bit of a stubborn person (my husband would say that’s an understatement), so when I read a fiction title and I get a lecture about how I’m supposed to live, it annoys me. And, of course, I feel bad for being annoyed, like I’m not being a good Christian. Ugh! I read fiction for fun, not to feel inadequate and guilty.

Here are some things to consider when writing fiction with an inspirational vibe (Christian or not).

  1. Focus on the story. When I set out to write Once, I didn’t intend to make it inspirational. I think that’s why I’m happy with the result. I set out to write a story about characters who happened to have strong ties to their religion.
  2. No author intrusion. Don’t stuff your opinions into the mouths and thoughts of your characters. Show who your characters are through their actions. Every scene must support the story. Also, be sure you do not include scenes for the sole purpose of getting your opinions across. If it doesn’t move the plot forward, CUT IT.
  3. Do not preach. Unless you work in a church or you’re the second coming of Jesus, no one wants to hear your opinion of how they should live. If you feel you need to share your vast knowledge of religious texts or lifestyle, you should not be writing fiction. Consider nonfiction.
  4. Respect your audience. If you generally think people do not live their lives the “right way,” you probably shouldn’t be writing.
  5. Inspire through the plot. People may not want to be preached to, but they do want to be inspired. This life can be tough; it’s nice to escape into a story that shows how things can work out, or how things going wrong can sometimes lead you down a better path.

Actually, all the above applies to all fiction. Funny how the rules of craft know no religion.


Once & Forever

(Once series, Bk 3)

Genre: contemporary romance

Length: Novella

Heat Level: 1- sweet

Publisher: Inkspell Publishing

Cover artist: Najla Qamber

Release date: December 5, 2016

book 3:

by M.S. Kaye

Who is the mysterious Santa who leaves toys on the convent steps?

After a twelve-year separation, Eden is finally reunited with her brother, Thomas, but why hadn’t she reached out to him in all those years? Eden, a nun, is constantly struggling against her dark past of living on the streets, and her attraction to Trace, an ex-convict farm worker. As Eden and Trace confess their pasts to each other and grow closer, will they be able to resist getting too close?


“You know what he did to git sent to prison?” one of the convenience store clerks murmured to the other.

Trace could just hear them over the horrible rendition of “Jingle Bells” playin’ through the speakers. He ignored them, like he always did. He tried to come into town late in the evening to avoid people as much as possible, but that also meant it was quiet enough that he could often hear what people murmured about him. Once he’d grabbed some protein bars and a can of beer, he headed up to the counter to pay.

The clerk with a buzz-cut told him the total, and Trace handed him some cash.

Neither of the clerks made eye contact with him, but they both hovered over the cash register as if he might snatch it and run.

Buzz-cut closed the cash drawer right quick and handed Trace’s change back.

“Thank you.” Trace stuffed the change in his pocket, took the bag of protein bars in one hand and his beer in the other, and walked out of the store.

He headed for the back lot toward the alley. He could get through most of downtown by way of the alley. This late at night it was almost too dark to see where he was goin’, but that was part of what he liked about it.

“Bitch,” someone growled. And then the sound of something—or someone—smacking into the brick wall of the back of the convenience store.

Trace moved more quickly and turned the corner, and he caught sight of a skinny, young woman punching a man in the face. His head snapped back. But then another man slammed his fist across her jaw. She looked so frail that the punch seemed like shooting a cannon ball at a piece of notebook paper.

“Hey!” Trace roared and ran at them. “Git away from her.”

Amazon  |  Kobo  |  iBooks  |  Goodreads

MSK.v1Author Bio:

M.S. Kaye has several published books under her black belt. A transplant from Ohio, she resides with her husband Corey in Jacksonville, Florida, where she tries not to melt in the sun. Find suspense and the unusual at

To receive news on upcoming releases, sign up for email updates on her website.

Facebook  |  Twitter  |  Google+  |  Goodreads  |  Amazon  |  TSU  |  Pinterest  |  LinkedIn

Once, book 1

Her first and also her once.

Jonathan and Rebecca’s paths cross at exactly the right moment, when each most needs to hear what the other has to say.

But Jonathan is three days from entering the priesthood, and Rebecca leaves him to his peace. But he is unable to find peace.

Without each other’s comfort and strength, they must each struggle to forge a new path, with only memories of the one day that changed everything.

But are they able to forget and let go?

Amazon  |  Kobo  |  iBooks  |  B&N  |  ARe  |  Goodreads

Once & Again, book 2

She was once his secret desire… Will she be again?

Father Aiden, an ex-marine and new priest, falls in love with Maylynn, but he struggles to stay away from her. He’s successful for many years, though he can’t keep her out of his dreams.

Then one day she shows up for a pre-marital counselling session with her fiancé, Davis. Aiden soon realizes Davis isn’t who he says he is, but what does that mean for Maylynn, and for himself?

Amazon  |  B&N  |  iBooks  |  Kobo  |  ARe  |  Goodreads

Adam Mann takes the Round Pen with Calisa Rhose #Tuesdayroundup #mfrwauthor #interview


Welcome one and all! Grab a beverage of choice, something sweet and sinful. The guest gets first pick! 😉 Take a comfy seat for another, or a first, spin in the Round Pen.

I’m thrilled to welcome my wonderfully talented guest today, Adam Mann, who is sharing his book, Love in the Boondocks with us!

Please show Adam some real Ranch love!

Before I get to the nosy 5-3-4 part of this interview, tell us a bit about you. What made you decide to write romantic fiction and do you find it difficult as a man in a woman’s world so-to-speak?

I have been married four times, as my previous work made it difficult for my wives to live with me.  My first wife died, my second could not face the remoteness, my third had to get the marriage annulled as she had forgotten to get divorced, but for the last 20 years I’ve been happily married to a widow with three children, to add to four of my own, and now we have five grandchildren.

My goodness! Now I’m curious what you used to do for a living. 😉

Okay, moving on. I’ll begin with five questions, then follow with three more, and end with four final ones.

My writing area at the moment is a cozy chair in the corner of my living room, though I do have a lovely new office hubby remodeled just for me. What does your writing space look like?

I have a large chunk of my bedroom as my office, and in here I control internet WiFi, printer and scanner for the rest of the house.  I am not a tidy worker, and tend to have reference books and peppermints scattered in any free space.

I’ve had a couple of “bedroom offices” over the years. For a lot of writers it’s a life-altering event coming up with titles and character names. Others it comes as naturally as breathing. Which is it for you?

Not life-shattering.  I like writing and usually write 3,000 words a day, so about ten days for a novel, but not every day, say once a month.  It also takes a week or two to edit and rewrite the novel, and another few days to decide on and design a cover.

What advice would you offer aspiring and new writers?

Just put your head down and write.  Avoid distractions like children and animals, and even wives who come to clean around you!  Granddaughters only excepted from this rule.

Yes, it’s hard to ignore those little ones. LOL The constant shift of the industry makes me often scratch my head and ask ‘what next?’ So, what do you think it takes to be a successful author at the moment?

I have to spend a lot of my time promoting my books, mainly on Twitter and FaceBook, but also as a guest on blogs like this.

Who would you like to meet in the publishing industry- dead or alive- and why?

J K Rawlings – her imagination!

It’s time for 3 in 1! I’ll ask the questions and you answer them in one word.

Favorite animal?  Large dog

Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter?  Spring

Favorite food?  Cheese, toasted mainly

Well done! 🙂

Okay, what are you working on now?

The Man who Broke the Bank at Monte Carlo – a thriller.

What are you sharing today?

Love in the Boondocks:

litb_adammann11-22-16Kim is divorced by her uncaring husband when she is working in a remote area, but she meets an attractive man and immediately her divorce is finalized she plans to make herself available hopefully for a long term relationship.  Fair enough until you consider her working environment, the living conditions, and emotions, not to mention raging hormones!

Where can we find you and your books?

My website:

Twitter: @adammannauthor



I live and work in Vietnam.  I used to be a specialist in sustainable development working with farmer families in remote areas, but now I’ve retired.

I would be very pleased to give any reader a FREE pdf copy of any of my books, in exchange for an honest review, at either Amazon or Smashwords.  Readers can find my author pages on:

Thank you so much for playing along Adam! Wishing you much luck with your book and writing. I hope you’ll come and visit again one day.

You’d be very welcome, but I should warn you that I live in a mountainous area in Vietnam, not too far from the Red River, although our roads are improving.

The scenery there must be amazing! Thank you for sharing Love in the Boondocks with us.


 Note: This book may be slightly more than a level four heat rating, so you might want to buckle up before reading. 😀


Tuesday Round Up~ M.S. Kaye turns up the heat on the ranch! #mfrwauthor #coverreveal #newrelease


I don’t typically do standard promo posts, but I think you’ll love this serial, so I’ve made an exception. I’m reading Endless as the Rain, Book #1 right now.

I hope you enjoy this peek at these oh-so addicting books and take advantage of this rare promo and the buy links provided herein. 🙂


New Release!

Echo Through the Mistechothroughthemist-v3

Book 2 of the Taken Series

Can Adriane handle Stein’s connection to her past and the truth of his motivations?

As Alec and Adriane investigate the reason his father’s old organized crime competitor returned to the city, Adriane eventually realizes Alec is hiding something from her. Will his continued secrecy threaten their relationship? Will the truth of Stein’s motivations rip Adriane away from Alec?

 Amazon   |   iBooks   |   Barnes& Noble   |   Kobo   |   ARe

Add to your to-read on Goodreads.


“He didn’t know any exact plans,” Vincent said, “but it’s been decided you have only one real weakness.”

Alec waited.

Vincent’s gaze flickered to me.

Alec’s body tightened until every muscle in his back, chest, and arms rippled. His hand squeezed mine a little too tightly, but I kept holding on. He tremored like a volcano about to erupt.

“Alec, baby,” I murmured.

He closed his eyes and clenched his jaw. Vincent centered himself in the doorway, and the others flanked him.

“Alec,” I said.

“Fuck.” Even his voice shook with rage.

I pulled my hand loose and wrapped my arms around him, holding myself to his chest. “Baby,” I whispered.

He continued to tremble.

I’d never seen him this bad before. My hands shook, but I pressed them to his back to steady them. “Please, Alec.”

He wrapped his arms around me, but his body didn’t relax like it usually did.

My heart hammered against my ribs. I squeezed him more tightly, but my contact wasn’t working this time.

Then I realized he wasn’t just angry; he was holding himself back. Trying desperately not to murder Stein.

“I’m here,” I said. “Stay with me.”

He wrapped his arms farther around me as if I were a buoy in the ocean.

“I need you.” My voice shook. “Please, baby.”

His voice barely made sound. “Tell me again.”

“I need you. You can’t leave me.” I squeezed tighter and stood on my toes to press my cheek to his. “I need you right here. With me.”

He pressed his face into my neck, arms so tightly around me his fingers wrapped around my sides.

“I love you,” I whispered in his ear. “I love you. I need you.”



Cover reveal!


Prequel of the Taken Series

Alec Kaden is the son of organized crime. But that’s not what causes him to be cold, and anger to crawl up his spine. He trusts his father’s judgment—his mother’s death in childbirth was his fault. Only one person can calm the monster inside him, but he will not allow her to know him, to see through him and find the darkness lurking behind his detachment. Will he forever remain her invisible protector?

Will be released 11/15/16 by Inkspell Publishing.

Preorder here:   Amazon   |   iBooks   |   Kobo


Endless as the Rainendlessastherain-v3

Book 1 of the Taken Series

For Adriane Graham, the real question comes down to this: “Am I Alec Kaden’s guest…Or his prisoner?”

If she’s a guest in the Kaden mansion, then it means Alec has freed himself from his family ties to organized crime. It means he’s telling the truth when he says he’s protecting Adriane from dangerous men and they can shake off the shackles of haunted pasts.


If Adriane Graham is Alec Kaden’s prisoner, it means his tenderness is simply a ruse to keep her under control; his kindness is just poisoned hypocrisy. It means Alec is a cruel liar, and that somehow, by some desperate way, she’s got to get out of this charming man’s well-guarded house before it’s too late.

Is she Alec’s treasured guest? Or merely a pretty bird, trapped in his gilded cage? The troubling questions pour like fountains…flowing…

Endless as the Rain.

Amazon   |   iBooks   |   Barnes&Noble   |   Kobo   |   ARe

Add to your to-read on Goodreads.

About the Author:

MSK.v1M.S. Kaye has several awards and published books under her black belt. A transplant from Ohio, she resides with her husband Corey in Jacksonville, Florida, where she tries not to melt in the sun. Find suspense and the unusual at

To receive news on upcoming releases, sign up for email updates on her website.

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And there you have it! Just click each of the cover images, or any of the provided links to purchase your copy with ease. 🙂

Thank you for stopping by.


Linda Nightingale’s WINNER update on vampyre origins #winner #mfrwauthor #deadvsmutation #gcgiveaway


Popping in to announce JEANNA as Linda’s winner of the $10 Amazon GC! Congrats Jeanna!!!!!!! Whoot!!!!!!!! Thanks to everyone who visited and played! 😀

Welcome to the cover reveal with a wonderful friend and Wild Rose Press author, Linda Nightingale! Sit back and learn a new theory of how vampires came to be. 🙂

Many years ago…Sinners’ Opera, then called The Vampyre Effect, was the first book I wrote. I loved the hero and followed him everywhere—to parties, concerts, but not the bathroom—and the manuscript grew to over 100,000 words. Needless to say, it had to be trimmed considerably before I could submit it.  Sinners’ Opera and its sequel Sinners’ Obsession are both available in eBook and Print from the publisher, Double Dragon Publishing.  I began a prequel featuring Morgan’s (the hero) early life and becoming a vampire, but haven’t finished it yet.

Morgan D’Arcy: A Vampyre Rhapsody is a collection of short works cataloging his stroll through the years.  Soon to be released by The Wild Rose Press, it should be a good pick for anyone who likes to read about vampires.  Try a different variety!  My vampires are viral mutations rather than re-animated corpses.

(Calisa says: And in case you’re curious- Linda told me that Vampire (with an I) is an individual. Vampyre (Y) is the race. Nice to know. 🙂 )

I don’t have a release date yet from The Wild Rose Press, but I wanted to share the cover and the blurb. Ladies and Gents, I hope you’ll enjoy meeting Morgan D’Arcy, English nobleman, concert pianist…and vampire.


The greatest enemy of a vampire is boredom. Four centuries of existence have taught Lord Morgan Gabriel D’Arcy to fear nothing and no one – humans and their weapons have little chance against his vampire speed and strength. Still, the Vampyre code requires secrecy, and he has learned to hide his nature from the world.

Being the last of his aristocratic British line, he hasn’t given in to his fate or given up the hope to pass his title to an heir. The lure of a return to mortality, of a life in the sun puts Morgan again and again at the mercy of calculating human women. Even grooming a bride of his own from infancy proves to be fraught with heartbreak. And second chances are not always what they seem.


Good evening,

This book is a journey through the pages of my days.   Please allow me to introduce myself.

I am Morgan Gabriel D’Arcy, the Earl of St. Averil, a concert pianist and…a vampire.

Born in 1634, in Devonshire, a county in South West England, I was a young man during the English Civil war and fought with Charles II at the ill-fated Battle of Worcester.  By the time he was restored to the throne in 1660, I was a creature of the night.

If I dissect myself into the separate parts listed above, I shall begin with the Earldom.  In 1645 when my father perished fighting with the Royalist army at the Battle of Naseby, the title passed to me.  My ancestral home, Royal Oak, commands a view of the sea from a hill overlooking a hamlet on the coast of Devon.  Most of my time, however, is spent at my London residence in Eaton Place Mews, Belgravia.

As to the classical pianist, I learned my art on the harpsichord from an Austrian genius named Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.  Later, I studied with Liszt, Ravel and Debussy.  In this twenty-first century, I am a celebrated performer in concerts worldwide.  Nevertheless, I have played Mr. Piano Man in a smoky piano bar in Charleston, South Carolina to an audience too drunk or too sad to listen, but that’s another story…

I was a fighter pilot in World War II, flying night missions over Nazi Germany.  Today, I fly a Lear jet to and from Royal Oak and London, sometimes ferrying members of my brethren to the Europe for continental fare.

The vampire was born in 1659 on a winter night in Paris.  Rather than pay time its due, sacrificing youth and beauty, I gave my mortal life to Dominique du Montcleare.  To this day, the name Dominique reminds me of the word dominant.  My transformation was my reward for winning a cruel wager that ultimately ended eternity for Dominique.

The Vampyre are not walking dead.  In a ritual blood exchange, a fragile virus is introduced into the host.  The blood borne pathogen is a mutagen.  The transformation from mortal to immortal is a mutation of human DNA by the Vampyre virus.

I have embraced my vampire nature, reveling in the hedonism and amorality.  I love women to a fault, sometimes to my detriment, sometimes to theirs, as you will see in the following pages.

I sincerely hope you enjoy my reminiscences.

Ever your servant,




A born-and-bred wanderer, born in South Carolina, Linda has lived in England, Canada, Miami, Ft. Lauderdale, Atlanta and Houston.  She’s seen a lot of this country from the windshield of a truck pulling a horse trailer, having bred, trained and showed Andalusian horses for many years.

Linda writes all across genres and has won several writing awards, including the Georgia Romance Writers Magnolia Award and the SARA.   She is the mother of two wonderful sons, a retired legal assistant, member of the Houston Symphony League and enjoys events with her car club.  She loves to dress up and host formal dinner parties.



Web Site: – Visit and look around. There’s a free continuing vampire story.

Blog: – Lots of interesting guests & prizes



Current Thunderclap Campaign-

Thank you for sharing your new cover and book, Linda! Such an interesting take on the vampire world. 🙂 For my readers, Linda is generously offering a prize to one lucky commenter. Comment below with your preference of vampire beginnings (viral mutation or living dead) to be entered for a $10 Gift Card for Amazon !

As always, thank you for stopping by and/or subscribing to my blog if you choose to do so!

Post shares appreciated, too. 🙂


Tuesday Round-Up welcomes Barbara Barrett with Keeping it Casual #mfrwauthor #romance


Welcome one and all! Grab a beverage of choice, something sweet and sinful. 😉 Take a comfy seat for another, or a first, spin in the Round Pen.

I’m thrilled to welcome my talented guest today, Barbara Barrett, who is sharing Keeping It Casual with us!

Please show Barbara­­­­­­­­­ some real Ranch love!

Before I get to the questions, please, tell us a bit about you.

Thank you, Calisa, for the warm welcome to the Ranch.  

B_Barrett08.23A little bit about me. I lived most of my life in Iowa, and since I’ve retired, I now spend my winters in Florida just outside the Disney Parks and my summers in Iowa. I started my college career majoring in anthropology, but when I realized I’d have to do field work to gain higher degrees in this area—you know, tents, bugs, no air conditioning, no Diet Coke—I switched my major to American History. My plan was to teach at the community college level once I received my Masters Degree, but when I could only get hired on a part-time basis, I took a job in human resources management with Iowa State government, although we called it Personnel Administration back then. My husband and I were both floor counselors in the dorm system our senior year in college. I met him in sensitivity training.  The class focused on non-verbal communication. The thought freaked my future husband, so he spent his time making faces. Needless to say, I wasn’t impressed at that point. It took running into him a few more times to convince me this was the guy for me. We now have two grown children and eight grandchildren.

When I’m not working in my lovely new office upstairs, my writing area is my easy chair in the living room. What does your writing space look like?

My writing space is my own private retreat in both locations. Both are comfy with either a loveseat or sofa for relaxing when breaks are needed. The walls of both are filled with pictures and items that are special to me. Framed photos of three of my favorite authors, Nora Roberts, Linda Howard and Janet Evanovich, stare down at me and provide motivation in my Florida office. I gaze out on six palm trees in the courtyard below. In Iowa, I look out on a boulevard. All day I see people walking their dogs, parents and grandparents with strollers and kids and adults on bikes, roller skates and skateboards. I love to watch all the activity. Some of the teapots and teacups I’ve collected over the years adorn two sets of wall shelves. Since it is just my husband and me, I enjoy long periods of uninterrupted writing time, which I cherish. But if I have to, I can be mobile with my writing space, since I use a laptop.    

For a lot of writers it’s a life-altering event coming up with titles and character names. Others it comes as naturally as breathing. Which is it for you?

Most of my books have experienced more than one title prior to publication. I needed to get into the book, maybe even finish the first draft, before the essence I wanted to convey in the title came to me. I struggled naming the first book in my “Sullivan’s Creek” series. It features two architects with very different approaches to design who are forced to work together. At first, I focused too much on their occupation; I kept trying to find catchy ways to use “Blueprint.” Finally, I realized what really brings them together is the Salsa dancing class they teach together so they can learn more about their target audience, baby boomers. Once I came up with Saved by the Salsa, I’d set my course for the next two books in the series. I had my two titles before I had any stories for them. Tough Enough to Tango was released last year and Not Your Mama’s Mambo should be released later this year. But here’s a caveat: as much as I love those titles, finding covers has been a challenge.

My latest release, Keeping It Casual, just came to me, because that’s the whole point of the story, until the H/H realize what they have with each other is much more than casual. It was originally going to be titled The Escape Clause, because the first book in the series was titled The Sleepover Clause and I wanted “clause” to be in each title. But that just didn’t work for the second book. I wanted something “sexy” but not overtly sensational. After much thought, I finally arrived at Seduction on Wheels rather than The Travel Clause. I probably agonized over that one and Salsa the most.

What advice would you offer aspiring and new writers?

From others, never stop learning. With yourself, never stop analyzing your own work.

I recently attended a Michael Hauge workshop at the RWA Annual Conference in San Diego. I’ve heard him speak before on more than one occasion, but this time his words and writing advice struck me differently because I had more writing experience under my belt. When I returned home, I reread my current work in progress and, thanks to his class, realized why this manuscript wasn’t resonating with me. I didn’t need to rewrite the story, but I did need to add more depth to my characters. His advice was invaluable.

The constant shift of the industry makes me often scratch my head and ask ‘what next?’ So, what do you think it takes to be a successful author at the moment?

Don’t I wish I knew, but I’ll give this a shot. First, every writer needs to determine for herself what “success” means to her: having a bestseller, making lots of money, getting published, seeing your name online somewhere. I’m still at the point in my career when a heartfelt fan letter is much appreciated. I don’t need to know that I changed someone’s life, but it’s wonderful to learn that for the space of time it took them to read one of my books, they learned something or applied something I wrote to their own life or, and this is my favorite, I made them laugh.

I write because I have to write…for myself. It gives me great joy to bring my imagination to life on the computer screen. Every book is a journey that starts with a protagonist desiring something they don’t have or cannot do without overcoming what at the start appears to be an insurmountable challenge, and it’s up to me to guide them to a satisfactory end.

Who would you like to meet in the publishing industry- dead or alive- and why?

For romance novels, I wish I would have had the opportunity to meet Kathleen Woodiwiss. I never imagined myself writing a romance novel until I read Shana and then The Flame and the Flower. Yes, she wrote of damsels in distress who needed the strong alpha male to help them save themselves, but she also conveyed deep emotion that touched the heart and made you want to root for the heroine up until the last page. And to be frank, her sex scenes struck another kind of note that made you keep reading long after midnight.

For mystery novels, I would have liked to meet Dame Agatha Christie. Where Woodiwiss focused on emotion, Christie highlighted the cerebral. Figuring out whodunit before the end of one of her mysteries was a favorite pastime, because her heroes, Miss Marple and Hercule Poirot, in particular, used their “little gray cells” to discern motive and then apply it to means and opportunity to solve the case. I’m more a fan of the mystery than the suspense or thriller.  

It’s time for some fun! I’ll ask the questions and you answer them in one word. 😆

Favorite animal? cat

Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter? spring

Favorite food? pizza

Well done! J So let’s share a bit.

What are you working on now?

Not Your Mama’s Mambo is currently in galley stage and hopefully will be out before Christmas because it ends on that holiday. I’m also working on a new series, yet to be named, that features different types of cable interest shows.

What are you sharing today?

Today I’m sharing from Keeping It Casual.KeepingitCasual_BarbaraBarrett08.23.16

Talent manager Alex Appleby needs Geoff McKenna’s help. Her vicious client is threatening the reputation of Alex’s television-star father if Alex can’t convince her stepsister to go along with the client’s demand.  Alex turns to Geoff to make the case to her sister.

Geoff has his own proposition for Alex. Thus far, his case of multiple sclerosis has been mild, but he’s unsure of his future. When his girlfriend pushes for a stronger commitment, he enlists Alex as his new pretend love interest so his girlfriend will break things off. 

When they discover they actually are attracted to each other, they agree to keep things casual, since Alex is only in town briefly and Geoff isn’t interested in anything serious. But fate intervenes as their feelings deepen. Alex must decide whether to relocate to Iowa from LA, and Geoff must place faith in his future. 


Around a hundred miles, he turned onto I-29 to go north.

He pulled off at the first exit and headed for a fast food place. This had been fun. Best time he’d had in days. He sat back and slapped his thighs.

            Alex returned an “I-told-you-so” look.

            In response, without giving it further thought, he gripped her shoulders, brought her toward him, and kissed her. 

            When he released her, she breathed out, “That was unexpected.”

            “For me, too. But not at all unpleasant.”

            She remained only inches away, her breath grazing his face. Her eyes didn’t leave his. Without uttering a word, she invited him to return to the scene of the crime. So he did. Big time.

            When she didn’t back away, he increased the pressure on her mouth, drew her closer, his arms encasing her, his right hand massaging her back. His left hand remained at her waist, awaiting its destination.

            Though spontaneous—yeah, there’d been some kind of vibes going on since Pella, but it wasn’t like they’d been flirting or engaged in more serous sexual byplay—neither seemed shocked nor turned off by their actions. It was like they’d both been waiting for some sign from the other since the day they first met.

            When had he last made out in a car? Not since college. Maybe even high school. Forgotten how the intimacy of front seat lip lock could give a guy such guilty pleasure. Could send his insides into overdrive, even in broad daylight.

            Broad daylight. Right. Get control of yourself, man.

Where can we find you and your books?

Facebook:  (This is new and could use your likes.)




The Wild Rose Press (digital)

The Wild Rose Press (paperback)  

Amazon (digital)    Amazon (paperback)

All Romance Ebooks (digital)

Barnes and Noble (Nook)

Kobo (digital)

Where will you be next?

August 31,

September 9, Nancy Fraser Blog, “Reading Other Genres

September 12, Burlington Community Library, 3-4 p.m.

November 17, Authors Bare All,

Here’s a question from me to your readers: For a romance novel (steamy but not high heat) what grabs your attention on the cover that gets you to read the book?

Thank you so much for playing along, Barbara! Wishing you much luck with your book and writing. I hope you’ll come visit again one day.
