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Calisa Rhose with Heather Kinnane and her Faery Dreamy novel #fantasy #MFRWauthor #interview


Welcome one and all! Grab a beverage of choice, something sweet and sinful. No-no, not the men. What’s the matter with you? You know the hands-on rules… The guest gets first pick! 😉 Take a comfy seat for another, or a first, spin in the Round Pen.

I’m thrilled to welcome my wonderfully talented guest today, Heather Kinnane, who is sharing her book, A Faery Dream: Nerida’s Story with us!

Please show ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­Heather some real Ranch love!

Before I get to the nosy part of this interview, tell us a bit about you.

Hi everyone!

I’m an Australian writer of sweet and steamy romantic escapes. My books always have a happy ending, because there’s no guarantee of getting that in real life, and sometimes it’s just nice to know things are going to end well. I have three children, and a very supportive husband who is the only reason I’m able to find enough time to write books! He also provides the inspiration for my heroes. 😉

Author Bio: Heather Kinnane is the author of the romantic fantasy series, ‘A Faery Dream’, and the steamy menage series ‘Seeking Satisfaction’. She lives in Australia with her husband, children and pets, in a house in the bush. When she’s not writing she’s usually avoiding the housework by reading, gardening, or soaking up the natural world. Sometimes she’s lucky enough to be visited by echidnas, sugar gliders, or wedge-tailed eagles.

Okay, let’s begin.

My writing area at the moment is a corner of the couch in my living room. What does your writing space look like?

Ha – my writing space is often a corner of the couch, too! I am trying to be a little more organized this year though, so I’ve reclaimed the small upstairs office from my children (who discovered all the arty and crafty bits in the cupboards and took over), and am enjoying having a bit of space where I can spread out and know I (mostly) won’t be disturbed.

For a lot of writer’s it’s a life-altering event coming up with titles and character names. Others it comes as naturally as breathing. Which is it for you?

Titles and names are so difficult for me! It’s very rare that they just fall into place, mostly I spend ages agonizing over them, and changing them a billion times before I settle on something. I’m envious of those who can find names and titles easily. Wish it were contagious!

What advice would you offer aspiring and new writers?

Keep writing. It’s a bit cliché but honestly – the only way to be published is to keep going. Perseverance is the key.

The constant shift of the industry makes me often scratch my head and ask ‘what next?’ So, what do you think it takes to be a successful author at the moment?

I’m not sure I know how to answer that one! So tricky! Like you say – there’s a constant shift – always new things to try. And then you have to be careful that the trying new things doesn’t steal away precious writing time (with three kids any moment I can get to myself is precious – I’ve got to be careful how I spend it!). I guess this answer is a bit the same as above – just keep writing. If you’re writing good stories, the readers will find you (eventually).

Who would you like to meet in the publishing industry- dead or alive- and why?

It would be great to meet Stephen King! I love his work – The Dark Tower in particular is one of my all-time favourite series.

It’s time for 3 in 1! I’ll ask the questions and you answer them in one word. 😆

Favorite animal? Cat

Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter? Autumn

Favorite food? Chocolate

Well done! And for those who question her answer, CHOCOLATE IS A FOOD GROUP! 😉

Okay, Flash four. Ready? What are you working on now?

I wrote a novella during Nanowrimo last year, and I’m working my way through that at the moment… it’s a re-telling of the old Scottish Ballad of Tam Lin – awesome heroine saves her lover from the Fairy Realm. I’m pretty pleased with how it’s going, so far.

What are you sharing today?

My newest release is the third in my ‘A Faery Dream’ series – ‘Nerida’s Story’ – though this one is focusing on a different character, so it works as a stand-alone too.

Nerida’s whole life has been focused on preparing for one thing – to be Consort to the King of Faery. She’s kept herself distant, awaiting the day when the King would be found and she would take her place beside him.

But there is no King. Instead, Nyssa is now Queen, with Kellen, Nerida’s brother, as her Consort.

Nerida has never felt so lost in her life.

When Imradon appears, he brings out feelings Nerida thought she’d never experience. But fighting against a lifetime of conditioning is hard, and then there’s the big question: does she want a partner, or is she just looking for something—anything—to fill this terrible emptiness?

A Faery Dream 3: Nerida’s Story, can be read as stand-alone or part of the series. 

Where can we find you and your books?

Nerida’s Story can be found here:



My website:

My amazon page:

Where will you be next?

I’m hanging out on Twitter at the moment

But you can also find me on Patreon ( – with lots of deleted scenes, and early glimpses of what I’m working on, and plenty of other things too. 😊  

Thank you so much for playing along Heather! Wishing you much luck with your book and writing. I hope you’ll come visit again one day.

Thank you so much for having me Calisa! I had so much fun – already looking forward to catching up again next time. 😊


Calisa Rhose chats with Lisa Owens about Damaged #mfrwauthor #interview #tuesdayroundup


Welcome one and all! Grab a beverage of choice, something sweet and sinful. No-no, not the men. What’s the matter with you? You know the hands-on rules… The guest gets first pick! 😉 Take a comfy seat for another, or a first, spin in the Round Pen.

I’m thrilled to welcome my talented guest today, ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­Lisa M. Owens, who is sharing Damaged with us!

Please show ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­Lisa some real Ranch love!

Before I get to the questions, please, tell us a bit about you.

I am currently going back to school full-time to get my bachelor’s degree in psychology. But I still have plenty of time to write heart-stopping romance!

When I’m not working in my lovely new office upstairs, my writing area is my cozy recliner in the living room. What does your writing space look like?

That’s funny. I have a lovely new office space too. That’s where I spend most of my time writing. Sometimes I spread my computer and research out on the dining room table and write.

LOL I spend more time in my recliner because my office is secluded upstairs and I feel alone in the world if I stay in it too long.

For a lot of writers it’s a life-altering event coming up with titles and character names. Others it comes as naturally as breathing. Which is it for you?

It seems to come naturally to me. The titles and characters come to me before the plot of the story does.

Mine usually do too. Wonder what else we have in common? 🙂

What advice would you offer aspiring and new writers?

Never stop writing. That was advice that was given to me and it has since proved to be worth its weight in gold. Never stop. No matter what people tell you or who tries to stop you.

The constant shift of the industry makes me often scratch my head and ask ‘what next?’ So, what do you think it takes to be a successful author at the moment?

Stubbornness. Refusing to give up. This is a tough industry and it’s hard to be successful but the one’s that are successful have one thing in common: they never gave up.

I agree wholeheartedly!

Who would you like to meet in the publishing industry- dead or alive- and why?

Eve Rabi. She has helped me in enormous ways as an author and I would love to meet her in person and tell her thank you.

It’s time for 3 in 1! I’ll ask the questions and you answer them in one word. 😆

Favorite animal? Butterfly (Calisa says: That’s not an animal, so we’ll call it one. I love it!)

Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter? Winter

Favorite food? Chocolate

Well done! 🙂 So let’s share a bit.

What are you working on now?

A sequel to DAMAGED, titled DESTROYED

What are you sharing today?

Freedom isn’t free.

Staff Sergeant Austin Chandler learned this lesson well. Dealing with the devastating truth that his military career is over, he is discharged from the Marines and returns home from fighting the war in Afghanistan with battle scars he fears will never heal. But the truth is a bitter pill to swallow when he arrives at the airport and realizes his wife has abandoned him when he needed her the most. Broken in body as well as in spirit, Austin suffers not only from the slow-healing scars on his back, but also the wounds that her desertion has left on his troubled heart.

Until a chance encounter with a beautiful artist leaves him wondering if perhaps some things are meant to be. Trisha Morgan has secrets she is desperately wants to hide. With a troubled past and abandonment issues of her own, she fears love only leads to rejection and pain.

But can two wounded souls break through the battered barriers of each other’s hearts?

Where can we find you and your books?

Where will you be next?

Rosanna Leo

Nicole Strycharz

To celebrate the release of my fourth book this month, I am giving away four copies of my third book DAMAGED! To win a copy, all you have to do is include your email and tell me what you like about military heroes! The best answers will win a copy of DAMAGED.

So don’t forget to leave your preference and email, folks!!!

Thank you so much for playing along, Lisa! Wishing you much luck with your book and writing. I hope you’ll come visit again one day.


UnCover Monthly is back and needs YOU! #coverpromotion #UCMrevision #mfrwauthor

Get out the streamers and confetti!!! UnCover Monthly is up and ready to go again! Whooot!

I’ve been doing UCM for four years and I haven’t updated the page, or my original procedure in which I post covers. Shortly before the anniversary of UCM, mid-November, I decided the feature was in need of a small facelift. :LOL: Now I’m finished revamping the feature.

New ideas that will excite!

It’s been four months since I disabled UCM’s guideline page. I originally had only intended to keep it down less than two months, but life has a way of taking control and waylaying the best laid plans. LOL But I’ve finally got the new stuff added and the old reworked a bit to clean up, and shorten that horrendously looooong guideline page. Why did no one ever say anything? I’m just sorry it took me forever to complete.

With my injury creeping up on one year (July 30, 2016), I finally had my needed surgery on March 24th to repair my right shoulder. Two torn tendons in the rotator cuff, and a shredded longhead bicep tendon that had to just be cut loose, it was too damaged to repair. I’ve been in physical therapy since two weeks after the surgery. I’m not healed by any means, but now that those pesky tendons have been repaired (or eliminated, something I didn’t know could be done), I can feel the therapy working to strengthen my injured shoulder.

FYI- to anyone curious, PT is not the same as working out at a gym!

I’m still on TTD for an extended four weeks, but typing isn’t as painful as long as I don’t over do. Which is also why this feature renovation has taken so long, I wasn’t able to type for longer than 30 minutes in a day, and that was spent replying to urgent emails about my injury and job, often followed by a nap. I’m regaining energy each day to soon resume normal life. That’s code for “return to the DDJ,” or dreaded day job. 😆

In the meantime, I AM actively accepting submissions!

This has not stopped or changed. However, I seriously need your covers so we can all begin enjoying UCM once again. I’d like to begin posting covers in June, so hurry and hop over to the guideline page and read up on the new changes I hinted at before here on this page and grab your applications.

UnCover Monthly

Remember to send each cover with its application in individual emails to You can also contact me through this site here. You can grab the application from the UCM page again, so click the link above and go get your applications now!

Thank you for your continued support and patience through the reconstruction phase. Please keep sharing so others can submit and join the fun now that UCM is reopened! Comments are active on the UCM page, as well, so you can comment, or tell me what you’d like to see on the Ranch, or UCM. Don’t hesitate to speak out. 🙂

Thank you,

Calisa Rhose

M.S. Kaye takes Once & Forever into the round pen #mfrwauthor #inspirationalromance #Tuesdayroundup


I’ve got M.S. Kaye on the ranch today to share her latest book Once & Forever with us. Lets sit back and enjoy.

Writing Inspirational Fiction without Preaching

I’m a bit of a stubborn person (my husband would say that’s an understatement), so when I read a fiction title and I get a lecture about how I’m supposed to live, it annoys me. And, of course, I feel bad for being annoyed, like I’m not being a good Christian. Ugh! I read fiction for fun, not to feel inadequate and guilty.

Here are some things to consider when writing fiction with an inspirational vibe (Christian or not).

  1. Focus on the story. When I set out to write Once, I didn’t intend to make it inspirational. I think that’s why I’m happy with the result. I set out to write a story about characters who happened to have strong ties to their religion.
  2. No author intrusion. Don’t stuff your opinions into the mouths and thoughts of your characters. Show who your characters are through their actions. Every scene must support the story. Also, be sure you do not include scenes for the sole purpose of getting your opinions across. If it doesn’t move the plot forward, CUT IT.
  3. Do not preach. Unless you work in a church or you’re the second coming of Jesus, no one wants to hear your opinion of how they should live. If you feel you need to share your vast knowledge of religious texts or lifestyle, you should not be writing fiction. Consider nonfiction.
  4. Respect your audience. If you generally think people do not live their lives the “right way,” you probably shouldn’t be writing.
  5. Inspire through the plot. People may not want to be preached to, but they do want to be inspired. This life can be tough; it’s nice to escape into a story that shows how things can work out, or how things going wrong can sometimes lead you down a better path.

Actually, all the above applies to all fiction. Funny how the rules of craft know no religion.


Once & Forever

(Once series, Bk 3)

Genre: contemporary romance

Length: Novella

Heat Level: 1- sweet

Publisher: Inkspell Publishing

Cover artist: Najla Qamber

Release date: December 5, 2016

book 3:

by M.S. Kaye

Who is the mysterious Santa who leaves toys on the convent steps?

After a twelve-year separation, Eden is finally reunited with her brother, Thomas, but why hadn’t she reached out to him in all those years? Eden, a nun, is constantly struggling against her dark past of living on the streets, and her attraction to Trace, an ex-convict farm worker. As Eden and Trace confess their pasts to each other and grow closer, will they be able to resist getting too close?


“You know what he did to git sent to prison?” one of the convenience store clerks murmured to the other.

Trace could just hear them over the horrible rendition of “Jingle Bells” playin’ through the speakers. He ignored them, like he always did. He tried to come into town late in the evening to avoid people as much as possible, but that also meant it was quiet enough that he could often hear what people murmured about him. Once he’d grabbed some protein bars and a can of beer, he headed up to the counter to pay.

The clerk with a buzz-cut told him the total, and Trace handed him some cash.

Neither of the clerks made eye contact with him, but they both hovered over the cash register as if he might snatch it and run.

Buzz-cut closed the cash drawer right quick and handed Trace’s change back.

“Thank you.” Trace stuffed the change in his pocket, took the bag of protein bars in one hand and his beer in the other, and walked out of the store.

He headed for the back lot toward the alley. He could get through most of downtown by way of the alley. This late at night it was almost too dark to see where he was goin’, but that was part of what he liked about it.

“Bitch,” someone growled. And then the sound of something—or someone—smacking into the brick wall of the back of the convenience store.

Trace moved more quickly and turned the corner, and he caught sight of a skinny, young woman punching a man in the face. His head snapped back. But then another man slammed his fist across her jaw. She looked so frail that the punch seemed like shooting a cannon ball at a piece of notebook paper.

“Hey!” Trace roared and ran at them. “Git away from her.”

Amazon  |  Kobo  |  iBooks  |  Goodreads

MSK.v1Author Bio:

M.S. Kaye has several published books under her black belt. A transplant from Ohio, she resides with her husband Corey in Jacksonville, Florida, where she tries not to melt in the sun. Find suspense and the unusual at

To receive news on upcoming releases, sign up for email updates on her website.

Facebook  |  Twitter  |  Google+  |  Goodreads  |  Amazon  |  TSU  |  Pinterest  |  LinkedIn

Once, book 1

Her first and also her once.

Jonathan and Rebecca’s paths cross at exactly the right moment, when each most needs to hear what the other has to say.

But Jonathan is three days from entering the priesthood, and Rebecca leaves him to his peace. But he is unable to find peace.

Without each other’s comfort and strength, they must each struggle to forge a new path, with only memories of the one day that changed everything.

But are they able to forget and let go?

Amazon  |  Kobo  |  iBooks  |  B&N  |  ARe  |  Goodreads

Once & Again, book 2

She was once his secret desire… Will she be again?

Father Aiden, an ex-marine and new priest, falls in love with Maylynn, but he struggles to stay away from her. He’s successful for many years, though he can’t keep her out of his dreams.

Then one day she shows up for a pre-marital counselling session with her fiancé, Davis. Aiden soon realizes Davis isn’t who he says he is, but what does that mean for Maylynn, and for himself?

Amazon  |  B&N  |  iBooks  |  Kobo  |  ARe  |  Goodreads

Calisa Rhose presents~Uncover Monthly #October2016 #mfrwauthor #coverlove


Welcome one and all! Enjoy more awesome cover art by the incredible authors, publishers and artists who made them possible for you to gaze upon each month.

It would be great if you leave a comment letting everyone know what you think about them and maybe even check out a few author links to meet those behind the books. Or just say hi. Don’t forget to tell your friends to stop by so they can appreciate some greatness, or get in on the fun, too!

This feature is only to highlight the authors and artists (though if you see one you want to buy I’m sure the authors won’t mind 😆 ). Enjoy this months’ covers to ogle and explore. If there is one provided, you can follow the artist links by clicking on the name, if there’s an artist link provided, to learn more about the amazing creators of these beautiful covers.

There’s a heat level rating for covers, one through four scale, for your benefit. You should never see a *5* rating on the Ranch since I don’t feature anything erotic in nature. If there’s anything else you’d like to know about covers being revealed here, please don’t hesitate to let me know. You can leave it either in a comment or by my contact page :)

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

8houndsa-howling_marciajames10-03-16Title: “8 Hounds a-Howling”

 Klein’s K-9s Service Dog,

 series novella 2

Author: Marcia James


Genre: Contemporary romance

Length: Novella

Heat Level: 4-Hot

Publisher: Marcia James

Cover artist: DR Graphic Expressions

Release date: January 2016

Celebrity photographer “Jax” Jackson volunteers to shoot the Klein’s K-9s service dog facility’s fundraising calendar. His agenda: Convince past love and calendar coordinator Amy Walters to give him a second chance.

Producing the dog-themed “12 Days of Christmas” calendar includes dodging dive-bombing birds, tackling runaway pigs, and handling 78 dogs who’d rather play than pose. In the midst of the chaos, will the reunited lovers find their happily ever after?

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

beensearchingforyou_nicoleeveline10-03-16Title: Been Searching for You

Author: Nicole Evelina


Genre: Romantic Comedy

Length: Novel

Heat Level: 2-Sensual

Publisher: Lawson Gartner Publishing

Cover artist: Jenny Quinlan

Release date: May 10, 2016

Annabeth is a hopeless romantic who believes in soul mates. In fact, she’s been writing to hers each year on her birthday since she was 16.

Now, at 34, she’s still holding out hope of finding Mr. Right even though he’d be fighting an uphill battle to gain her trust, thanks to a traumatic experience years before that’s left her unable to commit.

When Annabeth meets a handsome literature professor named Alex on her 34th birthday, she thinks her quest may finally be at an end. Things don’t quite go as planned, so Annabeth resolves to do everything she can over the next year to find the unknown recipient of her letters.  But blind dates, Meetup events and online singles sites have nothing on what fate has in store for her when a co-worker unexpectedly quits and Annabeth finds herself working in close quarters with both Alex and her long ago ex, Nick. Fighting her attraction to one and loathing for the other, Annabeth is forced to face all of her old insecurities while keeping an eye on a scheming frienemy who may derail her hopes and dreams.

Written in the tradition of Bridget Jones’ Diary, You’ve Got Mail, and French Kiss, it shows that love on the sweet side can exist for the modern girl, if only she’s willing to trust herself and search hard enough. Been Searching for You was the winner of the 2015 Romance Writers of America Great Expectations and Golden Rose contests.

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

loveforsale_lindanightingale10-03-16Title: Love for Sale

Author: Linda Nightingale


Genre: Sci-fi Romance

Length: Novel.

Heat Level: 3-Steamy

Publisher: The Wild Rose Press

Cover artist: Debbie Taylor

Release date: May 22, 2015

March Morgan still believes in true love, but her faith in finding her soul mate is slowly vanishing. She’s been married but never in love. So, it is a miracle to find that fantasy exists on the last page of a glossy women’s journal. Mayfair Electronics, Ltd., in black and white, offers Love for Sale. The London firm has engineered sentient androids indistinguishable from humans. She flies to England and meets the man she has been searching for her entire life.
Christian requires no programming to love March at first sight. He’s handsome, cultured…absolutely perfect…and a little different from the other androids. He has an unexpected independent streak. March signs on the dotted line, buying her dream man. They return to Houston, but soon her past and his future threaten their Happily Ever After—indeed their lives.

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

lovesetinstone_stacitroilo10-03-16Title: Love Set in Stone

Author: Staci Troilo


Genre: Paranormal Romance.

Length: Novel

Heat Level: 3.5- Steamiest

Publisher: AIW Press

Cover artist: IDIM Design

Release date: April 2, 2016

A cold stone heart breaks more easily than it beats. Than it loves.

Damien was a loyal warrior, killed in battle in 1203. Because of his true heart, he was given the option to pass on to his eternal reward or exist in another state of being as a protector… until the time came when he could resume living the life he’d been cheated of. 

A soldier by nature, he chose the latter. Then he waited centuries—as a gargoyle—growing increasingly bitter about his choice. Then he sees her.

Rina is a hard worker and loyal friend. She just has the worst luck. One night, after saving her best friend from a violent assault, she finds herself at the attacker’s mercy. Then, out of nowhere, a savior comes and rescues her.

With only an angel to guide him, Damien must make the right choices to win Rina’s heart, or be forever damned as a grotesque mockery of the guardian he once was.

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

moonmistandmagic_anth_abigailowen10-03-13Title: Moon, Mist, & Magic

A Paranormal Romance Anthology

Author(s): Abigail Owen. J.C. McKeznie,

L.A. Kelley, Sharon Saracino,

 Maureen L. Bonatch


Genre: paranormal

Length: 5 Short Stories

Heat Level: 1-Sweet

Publisher: Abigail Owen

Cover artist: Abigail Owen

Release date: August 4, 2016

Get ready to be enchanted by mythical beasts, magical creatures, and moonlit nights. Enjoy your favorite author, and perhaps discover someone new, in these five fantastic tales of paranormal romance woven with moon, mist, and magic…

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

morethaniwishedfor_merryholly10-03-16Title: More Than I Wished For

Author: Merry Holly



Genre: Romance

Length: Trilogy

Heat Level: 2-Sensual

2- sensual- passionate scenes, closed door sex

Publisher: LanHop Press

Cover artist: Harris Channing

Release date: April 2016

A whirlwind holiday romance, a rushed wedding, to living life on a tropical island away from family and friends is a challenge for the newly married couple. Will Chase’s long hours on his latest project kill the marriage before it has a chance to bloom.

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

stockholmdiariescaroline_rebeccahunter10-03-16Title: Stockholm Diaries, Caroline

Stockholm Diaries series

Author: Rebecca Hunter


Genre: Contemporary romance

Length: Novel,

Heat Level: 4-Hot

Publisher: Rebecca Hunter

Cover artist: Kim Killion

Release date: July 1, 2015

A pro hockey player with a rough reputation. 
An American looking for a taste of adventure. 
A chance to turn an intense attraction into something more. 
Photographer Caroline Mendoza finally sheds her safe life in Michigan for adventure and a fresh start, and her first stop is Sweden. But Stockholm suddenly becomes more than just a casual stopover when Caroline discovers her reclusive next-door neighbor is ex-Red Wings player Niklas Almquist, whose high-profile alpha bad-boy image, both on and off the ice, has followed him back to Sweden. 
While Niklas’s darker side draws her to him, she knows the sensible decision is to move on from Stockholm before she gets too attached. Her time in Stockholm is running out. She must choose between what is safe and what her heart tells her is right. Is she strong enough to take the risk?

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

tilllifedouspart_carmenstefanescu10-03-16Title: Till Life Do Us Part

Author: Carmen Stefanescu

Weblink: www.shadowspastmystery.

Genre:  Paranormal romance

Length: Novel

Heat Level:  1- Sweet

Publisher: Solstice Publishing

Cover artist: Michelle Crocker

Release date:  June 9, 2016

Barbara Heyer can hear voices of dead people. They whisper of their deaths, seek comfort for those left behind, and occasionally even warn her about future events. But when Barbara’s brother, Colin, is accused of murder, it will take more than her gift to prove his innocence.

Becoming smitten with the handsome investigator, Detective Patrick Fischer, is a serious complication given his assignment to her brother’s case. Barbara senses there is something far deeper—and perhaps much older—than the surface attraction between them. Could that be why she’s visited by a mysterious woman named Emma in her dreams? Could past life regression tie all the seemingly unconnected events together?

Barbara and Patrick must overcome heartache to find the truth to save Colin, and perhaps themselves.

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

timelessbeginnings_amberdaulton10-03-16Title: Timeless Beginnings

Author: Amber Daulton

Weblink: www.amberdaultonauthor.

Genre: Time Travel Romance

Length: Novella

Heat Level: 3-Steamy

Publisher: Books to Go Now

Cover artist: Books to Go Now

Release date: July 29, 2016

Leonora Harris fled her newly-wedded husband’s home in Georgian England, 1725, and took shelter in a cave during a rainstorm. She woke up in a cold, barren land and a handsome stranger with a mechanical carriage offered her shelter.

Undercover American operative Rodger Ramsey never expected to find a runaway bride in the magnificent Salar de Uyuni. Assigned to Bolivia to investigate Communist activities, he just wrapped up his two-year mission in 1963 and followed his heart to the salt flats one last time.

Sparks flew and attraction sizzled. The lost, stubborn woman kicked his protective instincts into overdrive. Rodger took her home with him, determined to help her before he returned to the States, and Leonora flourished under his guidance. Their hearts intertwined. He wanted her, needed her, but could he truly love a woman who believed she jumped two hundred years in time?

Will they find a way to stay together, despite the obstacles between them, or will Leonora survive in this strange new world alone?

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

tosavealady_patriciapreston10-03-16Title: To Save a Lady,

French Quarter Brides series

Author: Patricia Preston

Weblink: www.frenchquarterbrides.

Genre: Historical.

Length: Novel

Heat Level: 4-Hot

Publisher: River Oaks Press

Cover artist: Patty Wallace

Release date: November 2, 2014

A daring masquerade

A move from Paris to New Orleans brings disaster to Elise Plaisance’s predictable life as a lady’s maid. The son of her grief-stricken mistress disappears, and Elise must turn to a devious French Creole capitalist for help. Disguised as a wealthy socialite, she is drawn into a dangerous web of conspiracy and deceit as the threat of war divides the city.

A captain bewitched. . .

A stalwart commander, Captain Jesse Cross doesn’t fancy himself as a lovelorn soldier desperate for a wartime sweetheart until a mysterious French spy captivates his imagination. Elise knows she is losing her heart to a man who will never be hers. Their romance is a frail illusion, born in the darkness of a moonlit courtyard and never meant to last forever.

 A future imperiled. . .

The enemy strikes. Both on the battlefield and in the Quarter. Lies are exposed and promises broken. Torn between loyalty and love, Elise must risk everything to rescue her mistress’s son before all is lost. Jesse knows he must stop her even if it means sacrificing his honor and even his life to save a lady.

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

I want to thank all the authors who submit their covers

and make this a special place to share!

To see YOUR cover here visit my

UnCover Monthly

page for detailed instructions.

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Calisa Rhose Presents~ Uncover Monday May2016 and an important update #mfrwauthor #coverlove

!!UnCover Mondays on The Ranch!!

NOTE: UnCover Monday will be getting a new name! Watch for UNCOVER MONTHLY beginning June , 6 2016! I will also be adding a new line to the application. For those who have already sent yours in, I will be contacting you to fill in this new description category.


Welcome one and all! Enjoy more awesome cover art by the incredible authors, publishers and artists who made them possible for you to gaze upon each month.

It would be great if you leave a comment letting everyone know what you think about them and maybe even check out a few author links to meet those behind the books. Or just say hi. Don’t forget to tell your friends to stop by so they can appreciate some greatness, or get in on the fun, too!

This feature is only to highlight the authors and artists (though if you see one you want to buy I’m sure the authors won’t mind 😆 ). Enjoy this months’ covers to ogle and explore. If there is one provided, you can follow the artist links by clicking on the name, if there’s an artist link provided, to learn more about the amazing creators of these beautiful covers.

There’s a heat level rating for covers, one through four scale, for your benefit. You should never see a *5* rating on the Ranch since I don’t feature anything erotic in nature. If there’s anything else you’d like to know about covers being revealed here, please don’t hesitate to let me know. You can leave it either in a comment or by my contact page :)

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

BlueDecember_KarenMcCullogh05.02.16.docTitle: Blue December

Author: Karen McCullough

Weblink: /

Genre: Romantic Suspense

Heat Level: 1-Sweet

Publisher: Karen McCullough

Cover artist Karen McCullough

Release date: December, 2014

It’s two weeks before Christmas and Meg Brandt, a department manager at Wambash’s, “the store with the answer to all your family’s needs,” has problems beyond the usual seasonal chaos. Her department is losing cash from the registers. Inventory is leaving the premises unrecorded and unpaid.

Security is focusing on her, since the losses are happening on her watch. Her efforts to track down the source of the disappearances have produced no results, and her career appears to be headed for oblivion. When the store’s new security officer starts showing unusual attention to her, Meg isn’t sure what to think. He’s attractive in any number of ways, but she can’t be sure if his interest is personal or professional.

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

BuildaMate_JaniceCroom05.02.16.docTitle: Build a Mate:

A Holiday with Love

Author: Janice Croom


Genre:  Sci-fi Romance- Novella

Heat Level: 1-Sweet

Publisher: Janice Croom.

Cover artist: Janice Croom

Release date: December 21, 2015

Can a brother from another planet find love?

Homer is an alien from the planet Bronzeville. In a small West Virginia town, he’s running final tests on the XM-14, an android designed to save trapped miners. All he wants is to finish XM-14 and return to his planet.

Jasmine is a firefighter. She still lives in the town of her birth and has led an unremarkable life until this full page ad ran on Black Friday:

Whatever you want.

Whenever you want.

For however long you want.

Build-a-Mate. Available this Christmas.

Unbeknownst to Homer, his technology made Build a Mate possible. Unbeknownst to Jasmine, until the ad ran anyway, XM-14, aka Build a Mate, looks exactly like her. So who could blame Jasmine for bursting into Homer’s office and demanding her face back?

Can a brother from another planet and a small town girl right this wrong and in so doing find a love that spans the galaxy?

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Christiana'sChoice_DeeAnnPalmer05.02.16.docTitle: Christiana’s Choice

Author: Dee Ann Palmer


Genre: Historical Romance

Heat Level: 3-Steamy

Publisher: Dee Ann Palmer

Cover artist: Winterheart Design

Release date: March, 2014

A medieval novel of young love, a knight’s honor, and greed.

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

PassionStorm_DianeEscalera05.02.16Title: Passion Storm

Author: Diane Escalera


Genre: Contemporary Romance

Heat Level: 4-Hot

Publisher: Diane Escalera

Cover artist: Leah Suttle

Release date: March 14, 2016

A looming hurricane has nothing on the storm raging inside…

Karina Valdez loves a good adventure, but jetting off to the Bahamas with a complete stranger is taking it to the extreme. She can’t believe her meddling best friend entered her in a radio dating contest. Even more shocking? Karina won! A tropical getaway she can do. Making a love connection with a hot local bachelor, not so much. Especially when she’s not looking for a man.

Meteorologist Andrew Romano is psyched over winning the radio contest. He’s ready to settle down and get married, prove once and for all that he’s not a player. The contest will surely help his chances—he’s been matched with his perfect woman. Too bad she doesn’t want him. To make matters worse, an erratic storm has shifted direction and is whirling toward them. Andy will do whatever it takes to win over the elusive beauty and keep her safe. He can handle a hurricane. But what about the other storm waiting to be unleashed?

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Watchmaker'sHeart_JuliDRevezzo05.02.16Title: Watchmaker’s Heart

Author: Juli D. Revezzo


Genre: Historical-steampunk romance

Heat Level: 1-Sweet

Publisher: Raven Queen Publications

Cover artist: Suzanne G. Rogers

Release date: March 14, 2016

For Miss Phoebe Lockswell, fashionable London tea parties and balls aren’t her style. Instead, she prefers to tinker tirelessly with a clockwork diffuser she’s built from scratch. If only she can get the invention to work on command, she might earn her way out of an arranged marriage to a repugnant member of the House of Commons.

London watchmaker Mortimer Kidd was brought up hard in the arms of an infamous London gang. Despite the respectability he strives for now, the gang leader is blackmailing him. When Mortimer sees Phoebe’s diffuser, he thinks he’s found a way to buy himself out of trouble. The brash Phoebe manages to steal his heart, however, before he can purloin her invention.

Will Mortimer’s unsavory past catch up to him before he convinces Phoebe of his devotion? Worse, once Phoebe learns the truth, will she ever trust him again?

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

WordofHonor_LaurenLinwood05.02.16.docTitle: Word of Honor,

Bk #1, Knights of Valor series

Author: Lauren Linwood


Genre: Medieval Historical romance

Heat Level: 4-Hot

Publisher: Windtree Press

Cover artist:

Release date: April 6, 2016

Merryn Mantel and Geoffrey de Montfort have loved each other since childhood. Once betrothed, Geoffrey leaves for the wars in France for five long years. Upon his return, the two marry and spend one blissful night consummating their love and making plans for their future.

But her new husband vanishes the next day without a trace. Merryn grieves for almost seven years—and then Geoffrey returns to her—changed from the boy and man she knew and worshipped. This stranger refuses to reveal where he has been and why he stayed away for so long.

Will her husband’s silence create a rift too large to heal, or can Merryn and Geoffrey recapture the love they once shared?

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

I want to thank all the authors who submit their covers

and make this a special place to share!

To see YOUR cover here visit my

UnCover Monday

page for detailed instructions.

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Calisa Rhose presents ~ UnCover Monday ~ #February2016 #MFRWauthor #CoverLove

UnCover Mondays on The Ranch!!!



It’s February already, the month dedicated to love and romance. Here on the Ranch it’s time again for gorgeous covers to take the spotlight in the round pen. Enjoy more awesome cover art by the incredible authors, publishers and artists who made them possible for you to gaze upon each month.

It would be great if you leave a comment letting everyone know what you think about them and maybe even check out a few author links to meet those behind the books. Or just say hi. Don’t forget to tell your friends to stop by so they can appreciate some greatness, or get in on the fun, too!

This feature is only to highlight the authors and artists (though if you see one you want to buy I’m sure the authors won’t mind 😆 ). Enjoy this months’ covers to ogle and explore. If there is one provided, you can follow the artist links by clicking on the name, if there’s an artist link provided, to learn more about the amazing creators of these beautiful covers.

There’s a heat level rating for covers, one through four scale, for your benefit. You should never see a *5* rating on the Ranch since I don’t feature anything erotic in nature. If there’s anything else you’d like to know about covers being revealed here, please don’t hesitate to let me know. You can leave it either in a comment or by my contact page 🙂

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥


Title: 3 Wishes-

A Candy Hearts Romance

Author: Peggy Jaeger


Genre: Contemporary romance

Heat Level: 1- sensual

Publisher: The Wild Rose Press

Cover artist: RJ Morris

Release date: February 8, 2016

Valentine’s Day is chocolatier Chloe San Valentino’s favorite day of the year. Not only is it the busiest day in her candy shop, Caramelle de Chloe, but it’s also her birthday. Chloe’s got a birthday wish list for the perfect man she pulls out every year: he’d fall in love with her in a heartbeat, he’d be someone who cares about people, and he’d have one blue eye and one green eye, just like her. So far, Chloe’s fantasy man hasn’t materialized, despite the matchmaking efforts of her big, close-knit Italian family. But this year for her big 3-0 birthday, she just might get her three wishes.

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Cinderella'sEnchantedNight_AmberDaulton02.01.16Title: Cinderella’s Enchanted Night

bk 4, Cinderella Body Club series

Author: Amber Daulton


Genre: Contemporary Romance

Heat Level: 2- Sensual

Publisher: Books to Go Now

Cover artist: Books to Go Now

Release date: May 20, 2015

Annalise Gallagher wanted Elijah Burleigh. Plain and simple. She’d watched him from afar for months, her friends called her ‘his own personal stalker’, and then she made a wish on a magic pendant for a full-body makeover. Transformed into the gorgeous knockout she’d always wanted to be, she asked Elijah out on a date and wore a haute couture gown straight from Paris to his friend’s wedding. 
With just twenty-four hours on the clock, her enchanted night faded into the morning hours and everything crashed down around her. Annalise harbored a shameful secret and Elijah demanded the truth with the veil of magic gone. 
The truth, however, could destroy her fragile confidence and push him away forever.

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Title: Heart-Strong

Author: Bonnie McCune


Genre: Traditional romance

Heat Level: 1-sweet

Publisher: Prism Book Group

Cover artist: Joan Alley

Release date: 2013

Headstrong. Rachel Kinsey fits the description perfectly. The divorced soccer mom may be ditzy and as sympathetic to losers as a charity, but she knows what she wants. A man completely different from her unreliable ex-husband and the outrageous characters she’s usually doomed to attract.

 Enter Jim Landers, the ideal candidate. An accidental encounter introduces her to the tall, dark attorney who loves soccer and kids. The only problem? He’s not prepared for a ready-made family and a woman as comfortable as a beloved sweater rather than a beauty queen. A woman whose kindness, enthusiasm for life, and unguarded honesty may disturb a man who values order, perfection, and serenity. Jim turns to the flawless yet distant Donna as a substitute for Rachel.

 She should show him how much he means to her, but rejection from an absent father and a capricious ex-husband may have ruined Rachel’s ability to connect to Jim. Will she risk herself, her son and their future by revealing how much Jim means to her?

 A touching, tender tale full of gentle humor, about thinking too much and feeling too little. Rachel must learn to be heart-strong in order to find her soul mate.

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

RichGirl_JoanneSexton02.01.16Title: Rich Girl,

Bk #1, Saucy Girls Series

Author: Joanne Sexton


Genre: Romantic Suspense

Heat Level: 4-Hot

Publisher: Tirgearr Publishing

Cover artist: Tirgearr Publishing

Release date: June 26, 2015

There’s a fine line between love, obsession, and hate.

Chelsea Summerville has a stalker who is kidnapping and murdering women resembling her, just to carve them up with a message. Judged unfairly by the sociopath, Chelsea fears for her life.
The murders sting Detective Lucas Hudson’s raw nerves. In order to save Chelsea, they become partners, intimate partners. Lucas recalls the past, determined to prevent the mayhem unfolding, and this time to stop a killer before he loses the woman he loves.

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

TheOtherSide-Trent'sStory_StarrGardinier02.01.16Title: The Other Side: Trent’s Story

Bk 2, Other Side series

Author: Starr Gardinier


Genre: Paranormal

Heat Level: 1 sweet

Publisher: The Wild Rose Press

Cover artist: The Wild Rose Press

Release date: January 22, 2016

Melinda James is finally out of Skyview Haven—an asylum where she was confined for years—and is living her life, free at last. However, things are not going as planned; harassed by unexplained paranormal experiences, she doesn’t feel safe in her own home. And when she turns to her best friend Trent for help and support, she is surprised to find her feelings for him have grown far beyond a simple friendship.

Trent Miller isn’t prepared to fight evil, but he will do whatever it takes to save Melinda from an evil entity that is seeking revenge for past events. Armed with knowledge gleaned from television shows, a team of paranormal investigators, and the prayers of family and friends, he is ready to face anything.

The question is, does he tell her about his feelings for her before or after he fights a battle with evil for Melinda’s very soul?

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Title: The Untouchable

Author: Gina Rossi


Genre: Contemporary Romance

Heat Level: 4-Hot

Publisher: Gina Rossi

Cover artist:

Release date: November 2015

Creative introvert, Rosemary Hamilton, lives day by day, her fragile existence disrupted when she acquires celebrity neighbour, Marco Dallariva, charismatic world-champion motorcycle racer who lives life on the edge. Their initial meetings are disastrous. Opposites, clearly, do not attract even if they share troubled ground. When Rosy knocks Marco off his motorbike in the driveway of his secluded home, there’s hell to pay-but also a spark of undeniable attraction. Rosy is puzzled by her deep anxiety when Marco goes missing, and, when he finds himself desperate in an emergency, he immediately turns to Rosy. To share Marco’s life, Rosy changes her own. Always in his shadow, without freedom or privacy, friends or family, she exists beyond her comfort zone. Against all odds, the relationship flourishes-but cruel, life-changing secrets have nowhere to hide. Are Marco and Rosy heading for a win? Or will they wipe out in the face of a devastating, impossible choice?

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

WBWM_GSS02.01.16Title: When Black Women Fall (Promo tour)

Author: Various


Heat Level: 1-4

(level 5 inc., but not promoted specifically)

Genre: Various

Publisher: Heartspell Media

Release Date: February 8-14, 2016

Romance novels featuring African American heroines in the contemporary, historical, paranormal, new adult, and erotica genres.

Romance novels are increasingly featuring heroes and heroines of color, from Courtney Milan’s Brothers Sinister series to Nalini Singh’s Guild Hunter series. As society and its citizens increase in diversity so does the market. With more and more authors bypassing publishers and uploading these colorful romances on their own, starved readers now have a buffet of books to choose from.

When black women fall in love it’s a sign of the times in these contemporary offerings.

In Farrah Rochon’s “All You Can Handle” love was the last thing professional pastry chef Sonny White was looking for, but she finds it in a sleepy town with a motorcycle riding hottie.

In Lena Hart’s “Because You Love Me” when an old desire is reawakened Sabrina will discover that even an imperfect love can triumph over all.

In Xio Axelrod’s “Falling Stars” Hollywood actress’ Val Saunders finds her career skyrocketing which makes her real-life attraction to her on-screen love interest come at the worst possible time.

In Ines Johnson’s “Pumpkin: a Cindermama Story” having given up on fairytales after falling for her toad of an ex, Pumpkin is afraid to take a chance on a prince charming who comes to her rescue.

In Kim Golden’s “Maybe Baby” Laney must choose between the man who offers her financial security and the one who makes her mind and body sing.

In Victoria H. Smith’s “The Space Between” Lacey has dreams of the opera, but life has its obstacles, namely a man  who lights a fire inside of her that challenges everything she thought she wanted.

In Christina C. Jones’ “Inevitable Conclusions” Friends? Lovers? Both? For Kora and Tariq, those lines have been blurred for a long time.

When black women fall in love it’s a magical affair as you’ll find in these paranormal stories of love.

In L Penelope’s “Angelborn” he gave up eternity for love… and lost. Will Maia be his second chance?

In Laverne Thompson’s “Angel Rising” Thalya, a soulless creature, meets her match when she hungers for the love of the man assigned to hunt her.

When black women fall in love it’s a defining moment as you’ll find in this historical romance.

In Piper Huguley’s “The Preacher’s Promise” Amanda Stewart aims to teach newly freed slaves, but meets with the resistance from the town preacher. Can these two put aside their differences and come together?

When black women fall in love it’s full of growing pains as you’ll see in this new adult romance.

In Twyla Turner’s “Chasing Day” Daylen is the shy cellist who falls in love with her best friend who also happens to be the popular quarterback.

n Rebekah Weatherspoon’s “So Sweet” Kayla is shocked when the sexy billionaire she meets on an online dating app turns out to be a dream in and outside of the bedroom.

In honor of Valentine’s Day and Black History month, check out one or all of these romances.

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

I want to thank all the authors who submit their covers

and make this a special place to share!

To see YOUR cover here visit my

UnCover Monday

page for detailed instructions.

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Calisa Rhose presents ~ UnCover Monday ~ April #MFRWauthor #CoverLove

A2Z-BADGE-000 [2015] - Life is GoodOsiyo~

Since I’m doing the Blogging A to Z Challenge this month, I’m going to make this month’s UnCover Monday part of the challenge.

E15 is for~

Enjoyable books and Excellent covers!

So, here’s a brilliant UnCover Monday post for April. Talk about diamonds, these babies glitter and shine! 

Enjoy awesome cover art and the super authors, publishers and artists who made them possible for you to gaze upon this month and each month. It would be great if you leave a comment letting everyone know what you think about them and maybe even check out a few author links to meet those behind the books. Or just say hi. Don’t forget to tell your friends to stop by so they can appreciate some greatness too!

UnCover Mondays on The Ranch!!! This feature is only to highlight the authors and artists (though if you see one you want to buy I’m sure the authors won’t mind 😆 ). Enjoy this months’ covers to ogle and explore. If there is one provided, you can follow the artist links by clicking on the name, if there’s an artist link provided, to learn more about the amazing creators of these beautiful covers. If I have it, I link the cover to the artist, otherwise, it’s linked to the author. I think they deserve fair mention since they helped create the book! I wish everyone a fabulous new year in 2014!

There’s a heat level rating for covers, one through five scale, for your benefit. You should never see a 5* on the Ranch. If there’s anything else you’d like to know about covers being revealed here, please don’t hesitate to let me know. You can leave it either in a comment or by my contact page with what you’d like to know. 🙂

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Rebellious_MC4_AmandaMcCabe04.06.15Title: Rebellious: Martini Club 4 – The 1920’s Book 1

Author: Amanda McCabe


Genre: Vintage Historical

Heat Level: 1- sweet- sensual kissing only

Publisher: MC Publishing.

Cover artist: Kelli McBride

Release date: February 26, 2015

Can an aristocratic lady melt the cold heart of a Russian gangster? 
Lady Jessica Hatton fled her high-society London debutante life for one of investigative journalism in New York—only to be relegated to the fashion pages. Searching for a juicy story leads her to Club 501, the city’s most glamorous speakeasy—and its handsome, mysterious owner, Frank Markov. But his past of war and revolution puts their hearts—and their lives—in danger… 

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Ruined_MC4_AliciaDean04.06.15Title: Ruined: Martini Club 4

– The 1920’s Book 2

Author: Alicia Dean


Genre: Vintage Historical

Heat Level: 2- Sensual

Publisher: MC Publishing.

Cover artist: Steven Novak

Release date: February 26, 2015

She vowed she’d be no man’s doxy, but fate had other plans… 
After the Earl of Goodwin attempts to force himself on her, housemaid Eliza Gilbert flees England for New York, hoping to build a better life. But the land of opportunity proves as harsh as the London docks, and she finds herself in a situation more dreadful than the one she escaped. 
When Vince Taggart’s childhood friend disappears, he heads to New York in search of her and meets Eliza, a woman with a less than honorable reputation. Inexplicably captivated, Vince can’t force himself to stay away, especially when he learns Eliza may be the key to finding his missing friend.

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Reckless_MC4_KathyLWheeler04.06.15Title: Reckless: Martini Club 4

– The 1920’s Book 3

Author: Kathy L Wheeler


Genre: Vintage Historical

Heat Level: 2- sensual

Publisher: MC Publishing.

Cover artist: Kelli McBride

Release date: February 26, 2015

Lady Margaret turned Lady Bootlegger… 
Singer Margaret (Meggie) Montley needs money…fast. Her friend is in a dire situation with nowhere to turn. While Meggie is on the brink of stardom, it’s not soon enough to save her friend. 
Harry Dempsey is out to avenge the deaths of his father and brother at the hands of a ruthless gangster. But trouble spirals out of control when Meggie Montley shows up the night he meets his nemesis to settle the score. Saving the impetuous woman from a crime lord might be easier than saving her from her own reckless behavior.

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Runaway_MC4_KrystaScott04.06.15Title: Runaway: Martini Club 4

– The 1920’s Book 4

Author: Krysta Scott


Genre: Vintage Historical

Heat Level: 1- sweet

Publisher: MC Publishing.

Cover artist: Steven Novak

Release date: February 26, 2015

Can she prove her innocence before more than her dreams are destroyed? 
After escaping an arranged marriage, Lady Charlotte Leighton lands on a new shore, determined to realize her dream of opening her own bakery. But her plans are shattered when her former fiancé follows her to New York. Now, she finds herself in a fight for her freedom. 
Haunted by a string of failures, Detective Felix Noble is determined to solve his latest case. But his efforts to find a murderer are jeopardized by a forbidden attraction to his number one suspect. While he’s certain Charlotte Leighton is keeping secrets, instinct tells him she’s not the murderess he first believed.

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

AtHisCommand_RuthKaufman04.06.15Title: At His Command

Author: Ruth Kaufman


Genre: Medieval Romance

Heat Level: 3.5

Publisher: Ruth Kaufman.

Cover artist: The Killion Group

Release date: January 14, 2015

Could she defy her king for love?

England 1453: King Henry VI sends Sir Nicholas Gray to protect the recently widowed Lady Amice Winfield from undesirable suitors. Though Nicholas intrigues her, she yearns to run Castle Rising without a man’s control.

Nicholas has no interest in marriage, but can’t deny he’s attracted to Amice. He’s surprised to finally find in Castle Rising a place he feels at home. A kiss sparks desire neither can ignore, yet serving opposing factions seeking to govern England threatens to pull them apart. 

At court, the king and queen reject Amice’s pleas and choose a new husband for her, a highly-ranked lord who’ll provide connections and coin for the king’s depleted coffers that Nicholas cannot. How can she follow the king’s command when she’s a scribe for his rival? How can she marry another man when she’s falling in love with Nicholas?

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

DarknessCalling_LaurieOlerich04.06.15Title: Darkness Calling

Author: Laurie Olerich


Genre: Urban Fantasy Romance

Publisher: Laurie Olerich

Cover artist: Angela Bauer

Release date: March 5, 2015

ad infinitum: endlessly, forever, without limit

Finally freed from a century in purgatory, former-wild child Aisling just wants to raise her son and live as a normal human again. Her taste of freedom is cut short the moment her past comes to claim her.

Sean is sick and tired of his baby mama’s hateful attitude. Her mood swings give him whiplash, and he’s seriously thinking of strangling her. But when a brutal old enemy shows up to destroy everyone Sean loves, he discovers Aisling is hiding more than her feelings for him.

Joining forces to protect their son, Sean and Aisling set out on a journey that leads them from the city streets of Manhattan to the elegant hotels of Vienna to the final terrifying showdown in the bowels of Rome.

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Hatchling'sCurse_HelenB.Henderson04.06.15Title: Hatchlings Curse,

Book 2 of the Dragshi Chronicles

Author: Helen B. Henderson


Genre: Romantic Fantasy

Heat Level: Three Flames

Publisher: High Eyrie Publications

Cover artist: Fantasia Frog Designs

Release date: November 26, 2014

Lord Branin is a dragshi, a human who can exchange bodies with a dragon. After millennia of waiting… and searching, Branin and his dragon counterpart, Llewlyn, have found their intended mates–the Lady Anastasia and her dragon soul twin, Jessian.
For the dragshi, the freedom of flight comes with a price. Now that he has found Anastasia, more than anything in the world, Branin wants to find a cure for the hatchling’s curse and end the childlessness of his kind. His hopes soar when Anastasia uncovers the location of First Rising, a hidden valley. But it comes cryptic references to mating flights and dark references about the deaths of suitors.

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

ShiftHappens_J.C.McKenzie04.06.15Title: Shift Happens (A Carus Novel, Book 1)

Author: J.C. McKenzie


Heat Level: 3 flames. Spicy.

Publisher: The Wild Rose Press

Cover artist: Debbie Taylor

Release date: March 27, 2014

Andrea McNeilly’s job as a government agent is not asking questions, but then a routine assignment turns into a botched assassination of a Master Vampire’s human servant. Answers become a priority. Her search to discover the truth is riddled with obstacles, the largest being an oversized Werewolf who resembles a Norse god. Andy can’t afford the distraction he offers, because if she fails, she faces eternal enslavement.

Wick’s job is to monitor Andy, but he prefers more intimate activities, none of them G-Rated. His choices, however, are often not his own. His ability to help Andy is limited by his bond to the Master Vampire.

Facing many trials and challenges along her path to redemption, Andy learns the value of her freedom might be set too high.

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

TheBearGoddess_KellyHeckart04.06.15Title: The Bear Goddess, The Arcadia Series Book 1

Author: Kelley Heckart


Genre: Fantasy Romance

Heat Level: 4-Hot

Publisher: Kelley Heckart

Cover artist: Louca

Release date: November 9, 2014

Forbidden love… Broken vows… Betrayal…

Callisto, daughter of the great Arcadian King Lycaon and the nymph Maia, has studied all her life to attain the high position of Bear Goddess among the nymphs of Artemis, taking a sacred vow of purity. But when she meets a mysterious man, her life changes forever.

Kasin is a prince among the fierce centaurs and one of few who can take human shape. A follower of Zeus, he is mystified to save a nymph’s life and even worse, to fall in love with an enemy of the centaurs. He is torn between his duty to his people and his love for Callisto.

When the nymphs capture Kasin for their next sacrifice, Callisto cannot allow him to die, but before she can help him escape, they are caught together and their secret connection exposed. Surrounded by armed guards, they manage a daring escape. On the run from the nymphs, danger and betrayal follow Kasin and Callisto. To survive, they must evade a god obsessed with having Callisto for himself as well as others who also want to keep them apart. Will their love for each other be enough to save them?

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Tyburn_JessicaCale04.06.15Title: Tyburn

The Southwark Saga, Book 1

Author: Jessica Cale


Genre: Historical Romance

Heat Level: 4- Hot

Publisher: Liquid Silver Books

Cover artist: Dar Albert

Release date: December 8th, 2014

Sally Green is about to die.

She sees Death in the streets. She can taste it in her gin. She can feel it in the very walls of the ramshackle brothel where she is kept to satisfy the perversions of the wealthy. She had come to London as a runaway in search of her Cavalier father. Instead, she found Wrath, a sadistic nobleman determined to use her to fulfill a sinister ambition. As the last of her friends are murdered one by one, survival hinges on escape.

Nick Virtue is a tutor with a secret. By night he operates as a highwayman, relieving nobles of their riches to further his brother’s criminal enterprise. It’s a difficult balance at the best of times, and any day that doesn’t end in a noose is a good one. Saving Sally means risking his reputation, and may end up costing him his life.

As a brutal attack throws them together, Sally finds she has been given a second chance. She is torn between the tutor and the highwayman, but she knows she can have neither. Love is an unwanted complication while Wrath haunts the streets. Nick holds the key to Wrath’s identity, and Sally will risk everything to bring him to justice.

Unless the gallows take her first.

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

I want to thank all the authors who submit and make this a special place to share their work!

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

To see YOUR cover here visit my UnCover Monday page for detailed instructions.

Special Note: Some covers might suggest more heat than the actual content of that book. Please take note of the heat level rate on those.

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Calisa Rhose presents ~ UnCover Monday ~ March #MFRWauthor #CoverReveals

To satisfy your stare reflex urges–here’s a brilliant UnCover Monday post for St. Paddy’s Day! It’s like Christmas in March with some of these lovelies that were submitted in December. Unfortunately I couldn’t get all of the covers posted in December so, here they are. 🙂

Enjoy awesome cover art and the super authors, publishers and artists who made them possible for you to gaze upon this month and each month. It would be great if you leave a comment letting everyone know what you think about them and maybe even check out a few author links to meet those behind the books. Or just say hi. Don’t forget to tell your friends to stop by so they can appreciate some greatness too!

UnCover Mondays on The Ranch!!! This feature is only to highlight the authors and artists (though if you see one you want to buy I’m sure the authors won’t mind 😆 ). Enjoy this months’ covers to ogle and explore. If there is one provided, you can follow the artist links by clicking on the name, if there’s an artist link provided, to learn more about the amazing creators of these beautiful covers. If I have it, I link the cover to the artist, otherwise, it’s linked to the author. I think they deserve fair mention since they helped create the book! I wish everyone a fabulous new year in 2014!

I’ve added a heat level rating for covers, one through five scale, for your benefit. If there’s anything else you’d like to know about covers being revealed here, please don’t hesitate to let me know. You can leave it either in a comment or by my contact page with what you’d like to know. 🙂

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

SlightlyNoble_LillyGayle02.02.15Title: Slightly Noble

Author: Lilly Gayle


Genre: Historical romance

Heat Level: 4- hot

Publisher: The Wild Rose Press

Cover artist: Angela Anderson

Release date: February 2015

American privateer, Captain Jack isn’t really an American, but heir to a viscountcy. When his father dies, he leaves everything not entailed with the estate to his worthless cousin. Jack’s only hope of inheriting his mother’s ancestral home and honoring her dying wish is to marry and produce an heir before his thirty-fifth birthday—in five months. And he doesn’t have a single prospect.  

Pregnant and unwed, Abigale Halsey is sent by her father to an Anglican convent until he can find a family to adopt his grandchild or a husband for his daughter. Abby has other plans, but they go awry when she goes into labor early and her rescuer, a pirate captain turned lord, insists on marrying her.

Is Jack too much like his jealous, unforgiving father? Can Abby overcome her fear of men and have a real marriage? Or will she never be anything more than the unwanted wife of a Slightly Noble Viscount?

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

CallDowntheMoon_Soulmateseries_MaryGillgannon03.02.15Title: Call Down the Moon, Soulmate series #1

Author: Mary Gillgannon


Genre: PNR/Time Travel Romance

Heat Level: 4- hot

Publisher: The Wild Rose Press

Cover artist: N/A

Release date: December 29, 2014

In the ninth-century, Irish warrior Connar fell hopelessly in love with Aisling, one of the Nine Sisters, a group of priestesses skilled in healing. When Aisling came to a tragic end, he used magic to travel to the future to reunite with her. But someone has followed Connar from the past, and they are determined to keep Allison and Connar apart. As Allison struggles with terrifying visions, she must learn to trust in a love that transcends even death.

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

ChristmasCrush_MickieSherwood03.02.15Title: Christmas Crush

Author: Mickie Sherwood


Genre: Mainstream Romance

Heat Level: 1-  sweet

Publisher: Mickie Sherwood

Cover artist: Cheeky Covers

Release date: December 12, 2015

Although Ashley Wagner feels more like Scrooge than Santa, she keeps her promise and accompanies her sister back home for a Christmas wedding. Her three-day weekend is off to a rocky start, thanks to the unexpected run-in with her womanizing ex-husband, and his very pregnant new wife. She manages to get away with her dignity intact, but later, with old wounds ripped open, the professional crisis manager ends up in the middle of her own life-altering predicament.

Then, sports journalist Craig Johnston, wheels to her rescue.

Will Ashley spend Christmas brooding over bitter memories? Or will Craig, a dynamic paraplegic, present the deserving divorcée with a gift she can’t resist?

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

ChristmasontheStrand_LorettaWheeler03.02.15Title: Christmas on the Strand

Novella preceding Southern Breezes series

Author: Loretta Wheeler


Genre: Romance

Heat Level: 1- sweet

Publisher: Digycat

Cover artist: John Wheeler

Release date: December 13, 2014

Winter on Galveston Island is a bevy of all types of weather. From gusty winds, Savanna Burke refers to as Male Gales, to a mixture of sleet, ice and once in a great while, snow. This winter, Savanna’s found the island winds are bringing change, for her and for Terence Whittaker, Galveston Island’s well-known clairvoyant.
Come visit Galveston Island with Savanna during Christmas and find the wonder of Christmas on the Strand.
Christmas on the Strand is the prequel to a series of cozy stories titled Southern Breezes. All the stories are set on Galveston Island, sharing the lives of a group of people who visited the island when they were young and have returned to claim it as their permanent home.

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

girlboycover_152x228_finalTitle: Fate Accompli– Aegean Lovers #1

Author: MM Jaye


Genre: Contemporary Romance.

Heat Level: 4- hot

Publisher: MM Jaye

Cover artist: George Saliaris

Release date: November 21, 2014

Monica Mitchell flies all the way from Boston to Athens, Greece, not to get a tan but a very specific job. Because besides an MBA, this twenty-four-year old has a mission: to prove to Alex Argiros, the gorgeous Greek magnate, that she has now grown out of the habit of flashing her underwear and looking like a zombie flick castoff … in the presence of hundreds.

The catch? She has to hide who she is. Thankfully, not having seen him since her early teens helps, and soon she gets all she wants and so much more. Not only does Alex not connect his highly qualified new assistant to the disaster magnate of his distant past, but apart from his admiration, he also offers her his heart.

Now, Monica has a new mission: to keep it forever. But first she has to come clean before he finds out her connection to the bane of his existence. Because if he does, he’ll rightfully assume she plays the part of the Trojan Horse, and then he’ll shed the sleek businessman exterior, letting his hot-blooded Greek nature take over.

She knows he could destroy her.

She knows, yet she needs just a little longer to savor his searing kisses…

[Note from CR- this book also has an inspirational version that will be featured in May]

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

LastChance_ChancesTrilogy_MarthaO'Sullivan03.02.15Title: Last Chance, Chances trilogy #3

Author: Martha O’Sullivan


Genre: Contemporary Romance, HEA ending

Heat Level: 5 flames

Publisher: Red Sage

Cover artist: Lacey Savage

Release date: November 2013

Moira Brody knows Paul Webster better than he knows himself. But neither one of them know that he as in love with her as she is with him. These lifelong friends will have to look at each other with fresh eyes and brave hearts. Moira will take an epic leap of faith and Paul will take the ultimate risk–again. They’ll come full-circle, but there will be plenty of collateral damage along the way. And even the single-digit temperatures and snowcapped peaks of the Lake Tahoe winter are no match for their long-bridled desire.

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

LoveLattesandMutants_SandraCox02.18.15Title: Love, Lattes, and Mutants, Mutant Series Book 1

Author: Sandra Cox


Genre: YA Fantasy

Heat Level: Flame 1

Publisher: Lyrical/Kensington

Cover artist: N/A

Release date: February 23, 2014

Like most seventeen-year-olds, Piper Dunn wants to blend in with the crowd. Having a blowhole is a definite handicap. A product of a lab-engineered mother with dolphin DNA, Piper spends her school days hiding her brilliant ocean-colored eyes and sea siren voice behind baggy clothing and ugly glasses. When Tyler, the new boy in school, zeroes in on her, ignoring every other girl vying for his attention, no one, including Piper, understands why…

Then Piper is captured on one of her secret missions rescuing endangered sea creatures and ends up in the same test center where her mother was engineered. There she discovers she isn’t the only one of her kind. Joel is someone she doesn’t have to hide from, and she finds herself drawn to the dolph-boy who shares her secrets. Talking to him is almost as easy as escaping from the lab. Deciding which boy has captured her heart is another story…

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Love'sBattle_AngelaHayes03.02.15Title: Love’s Battle, True Blue Trilogy, Book One

Author: Angela Hayes


Genre: Fantasy Romance

Heat Level: 3- Steamy

Publisher: The Wild Rose Press

Cover artist: Tamra Westberry

Release date: July 23, 2014

If love isn’t worth fighting for, what is?

Love Howard has more than a knack for matchmaking. Born from a forbidden passion and a twelve-hundred-year-old promise, she and her sisters can literally see true love. And while Love has no problem bringing other couples together, her own romantic life could use a little help.

Danton DeAngelo has always been well grounded in reality. So it throws him for no small loop when the woman he’s fallen for believes that she’s been reincarnated eleven times and can actually see true love.

Now Danton is faced with the biggest decision of his life. Accept Love for who she really is, or walk away from her forever.

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

RebornToBurn_AnnaDurand03.02.15Title: Reborn to Burn (Reborn, Book 2)

Author: Anna Durand


Genre: paranormal romance

Heat Level: 3 flames; steamy

Publisher: Jacobsville Books

Cover artist: Lisa A. Shiel

Release date: 12/09/2014

After three thousand years as a mummy, Dawn awakened to a dangerous new reality where science and the supernatural collide. Her only ally is Jake Maxwell, a mysterious grad student with an unusual talent for evading bad guys. Dawn’s resurrection spells trouble and power for the scientists responsible, and they have no intention of letting her go without a fight. But as she flees with Jake, a shocking revelation about her newfound life rocks them both. While their enemies close in, they discover a fiery passion—and a bond deeper and stronger than time itself. But can they outrun the past before their future is shattered?

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

TheChristmasLights_RachaelKosinski03.02.15Title: The Christmas Lights

Author: Rachael Kosinski


Genre: historical romance

Heat Level: 1 flame or sweet.

Publisher: MuseItUp Publishing

Cover artist: Carolina Bensler

Release date: November 14, 2014

“Where do Christmas lights come from?”

Those tiny bulbs of color that burn on a Christmas tree,

Or outside a house to shine in the night.

Does anyone really know where they originate?

What if someone told you

They weren’t intended for Christmas at all,

But really for a miracle?

That they were for love, a desperate idea, to light a boy’s way home?

In that case, you must have some questions.

What boy? What love?

Have a seat. Allow me to tell you a story.

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

I want to thank all the authors who submit and make this a special place to share their work!

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

To see YOUR cover here visit my UnCover Monday page for detailed instructions.

Special Note: Some covers might suggest more heat than the actual content of that book. Please take note of the heat level rate on those.

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Calisa Rhose presents ~ The Martini Club 4 series authors #MFRWAuthor #roaring20s

Bad, BAD me! That last week in February got so busy I just now remembered I promised a copy of this series to a commenter. *slaps hands* I’m so sorry about that! But, chose MJ Schiller as the recipient! Congrats MJ!!!!


Man-oh-man am I excited to introduce you all to these four fabulous writers, and ladies I consider friends, today!!! All but one are previously published, so a special welcome and congrats on your debut, Krysta Scott!!!

I’ll get right to it and turn the round pen over to these four friends who wrote a series together over months of martinis. Ladies, you’re up! 🙂

Martini Club 4 – The 1920s

A few years ago, myself and three of my writer friends—Amanda McCabe, Kathy L Wheeler, and Krysta Scott—began meeting each Friday evening (unless something extremely important kept one of us away, and trust me, it had to be IMPORTANT) for Martinis and various other libations, at the Martini Lounge in Edmond, Oklahoma. In time, we came to dub our gathering the ‘Martini Club.’ We unwind, vent, chat about writing, laugh, and strengthen an already strong bond of friendship. It’s not only fun, it’s beneficial. As all writers know, no other friend besides a writer friend truly understands us. (We also have an honorary MC member, Cindy Sorenson. Although she is a writer, she declined to write one of the stories, but she has been invaluable as far as brainstorming and beta reading. So, what else could we do…we named a character after her in the series!)

During one of these gatherings, one of us, and I can’t remember who, made an offhand remark about writing stories centered around the Martini Club. The idea blossomed from there, and the ‘Martini Club 4’ series was born. We thought it would be fun to set our first MC4 stories in the 1920’s, but we intend to write more in other decades in the future. During the planning, plotting, and writing, we have had a few weekend retreats that were loads of fun, and some were even productive. J What a joy to do something that I love so much—writing—with a group of ladies that I love so much!

Today is release day, and we are all so excited!

*** The price through the end of February is ONLY 99¢ each – Regular price $2.99. ***MC4coverbanner


Four young English women discover friendship, romance, and danger in 1920’s New York City…

  • Jessica:  An aristocratic reporter with a penchant for trouble, she encounters sexy, mysterious Frank Markov, owner of an elegant new speakeasy and a man with secrets she’s dying to uncover. ~ Rebellious
  • Eliza: She fled England in pursuit of a better life, but her illusions are shattered when she falls prey to a scoundrel who draws her into a life of prostitution. When she meets Vince Taggart, a former boxer in search of his missing friend, she finds hope and the promise of love. ~ Ruined
  • Margaret: Her impulsive nature lands her face-to-face with gangsters and bootleggers. Even more disarming is her undeniable attraction to the enigmatic Harry Dempsey. ~ Reckless
  • Charlotte: Her dreams of owning her own bakery crumble when blackmail and murder land at her feet. Is the dashing detective her ruin or her salvation? ~ Runaway

Excerpt: (from Reckless by Kathy L Wheeler)

Meggie couldn’t believe it. She, Jessie and Lady Charlotte Leighton, or Charli as she preferred now that she was embarking on a new life too, were just blocks from walking up the gangplank to freedom. A new start. No more innuendoes from her mother and brothers. If they could just make it to the ship without Charli giving them away.

“Don’t look so terrified, Charli.” Meggie tried to curb her irritation. Charli couldn’t help being so shy. “This is an adventure.”

Jessie looped her arm through Charli’s. “You’ll see. We’ll have a grand time. You won’t have to marry that stodgy Lord Brigdon. In no time at all you’ll be baking, not just the best scones Americans have ever tasted, but the best cakes, and pastries for the most lavish parties imaginable.”

Meggie had to give Charli credit as she tried smiling through her fear, yet not quite managing the feat.

“I’d just feel better if we’d brought a maid or…or some companion.” Her voice trembled.

Meggie was careful to keep her tone gentle. “You know we couldn’t have dared trusting anyone.” They hadn’t boarded the Empress of India yet. Not all danger lay around the London docks. Samuel’s dukedom could stifle their plans as effectively as murder.

Thick fog hovered low in the early grey morning skies. A shudder skittered up Meggie’s spine. “Let’s hurry,” she said, broadening her steps.

Activity picked up the closer they grew to the water, along with the stench. All conversation stalled, and Meggie gripped the handle of her bag as they made their way briskly down the street.

“No!” The voice reached through the dense atmosphere a mere block from their destination.

“Come on, love. I’ll be gentle,” the words slurred heavily.

Meggie stopped.

“What are you doing?” Charli whispered, her voice as alarmed as the girl Meggie was trying to discern through the soupy sky.

“We have to help,” she whispered back.

“Oh, Megs.” Jessie rolled her eyes—Meggie could hear it in her voice.

At least Jessie would understand. If Meggie hadn’t stopped she had no doubt Jess would have.

“Let me go. Let. Me. Go.” The panicked pitch rose two octaves.

“She’s over there,” Meggie said. “In that doorway.” Meggie lifted her skirt and ran, briefly picturing her mother’s horror. Jess and Charli’s footsteps pounded behind. She followed the frightened sound, pausing before an abandoned shop.

A tall, lanky man hunched over a girl who tried to crouch away, his hand gripping her breast.

Meggie dropped her valise. The sound carried in the quiet street. “There you are, you silly girl. You scared us, getting separated like that.”

Luckily, the girl lost no time in picking up the ruse. She shoved away the brute’s hand and brought up her knee. His pained high-pitched cry erupted. To Meggie’s surprise, he stumbled, tripping back and falling into a fetal position. A remarkable move, really. Something to ask the cheeky girl about later. Meggie grabbed her hand, snatched up her bag and took off, the other girls quickly following.

A half block from the ship, Meggie bent to catch her breath, taking in the girl’s matted hair and dirt-streaked face.

“Thank you, milady.” Her lips trembled though she put up a brave front.

“The name is Meggie. This is Jess—” She indicated with one hand. “And Charli. What’s yours?”


“Well, Eliza. The docks aren’t safe for a girl alone. Where are you going?”

“The same as you I imagine.”

“You’re going to America?” Excitement spilled from Jessie. “That’s brilliant.”

The girl’s gaze flitted away. “Um, uh, y-yes.”

Charli frowned. “Alone?”

Meggie narrowed her eyes on her wrinkled frock where something suspicious streaked across the bodice. She prayed it was mud. This girl was in trouble, something Meggie and Jess were no strangers to. “You’ll come with us.”

“Oh, I couldn’t possibly—”

“Of course you can. We need a fourth, besides.” That settled, Meggie took her arm once more, leaving Jess to handle Charli. “We’re on an adventure.”


The entire series can be found at this link on Amazon:

MC4authorsLeft to Right: Alicia Dean, Amanda McCabe, Kathy L Wheeler, Krysta Scott

Please check out and ‘like’ our Facebook page:

I, for one, have already got my copies on my Kindle, thanks to pre-ordering weeks ago! But I am offering a set of all four books to one lucky commenter who can tell me what they like best about the roaring 20s. The clothing styles? Debonaire men? The risque-ness of simple things we now take for granted?

Also tell me what format you prefer in your comment. (mobi or PDF)

I’ll choose a name Sunday and announce the winner Monday in this same post. All I ask in return is that the winner leave a review of all four combined, or each independently, on Amazon, BN or Goodreads–all three would be even better! Or if you blog, you can just review them there and share the link for me in comments here, or email the link to me at calisa(dot)rhose(at)gmail(dot)com once you’ve read the books.

Remember to contact me once I call your name (winner) so I can get your books to you! If I don’t hear from the winner by the end of 48 hours I will choose another winner.

Above all, don’t forget to check next week to see who won. It could be you chooses! 🙂