Blog Archives

NANOWRIMO Day 9- Are you playing it safe or jumping in head first? #nanowrimo2017 #jumpin #mfrwauthor #amwriting


I’m a couple of days behind. Okay, a week. But that’s because I’ve been trying to get as many words written as I can each day. I’m going to make these next few short and sweet, hopefully even a little inspirational for all of you! If you’ve been reading these meme posts all along, I am so very sorry to have left you hanging on day 8!

So, here we go!

Really, what’s there left to say that inspirational Silver James doesn’t say with this “throw caution to the wind” meme?

As my mama used to quote from Doris Day, que sera, sera. Whatever will be, will be.

Short and sweet to do a few catch-up memes, because life is busy for us all and I fell too far behind. 😆

Happy NoNoWriMo!!!!


Push through the ruts ~ NaNo Day 8~ #nanowrimo2017 #mfrwauthor #keepwriting


So technically this post should be the one on nutrition, but I didn’t know this one was coming. lol I can only thank Silver James for this. LOL (Good thing I love ya!)

I will reiterate that eating is important. I’m one of those who, when I get into a writing groove, the words fly, adding up and before I realize I’ve reached or passed my daily goal…and lunch or dinner with it. Those are days I love, but suffer for the most. 😆

So, we move into week two with a better handle on my characters and their story. Words are coming easier now that I’ve passed 500 for at least five times over the past two years. Yes, this is a new story, because I haven’t been able to find the right beginning, so ten pages into it I would lose the thread, the motivation, the whatever-it-is-I-need-to-keep-the-story-moving forward. Some of this is because I’m more panster than plotter. Part is that I’m writing the story wrong, and my characters don’t cooperate, won’t “talk” to me, until I finally get it right.

Eventually I work my way through the rut and all will be okay again. 🙂 Most of the time this is by writing. I won’t say daily, because I can’t always write. But when I can, I do. Sometimes that nets me five words and six deletions, but it’s writing, all part of the process.

Day 8- 1382



It’s YOUR story~ NaNo Day 7~ #nanowrimo2017 #mfrwauthor #petsdontwrite


Welcome to the last day of week 1!! We’ve made it seven days, though my word count is suffering drastically by this time. This week I’ll have to make up the difference by padding my word count each day. I’ll let you know how it goes right here each day. I appreciate you hanging with me as we go through November NaNo.

Here’s Silver James Day 7 meme for your pleasure.

Since I don’t have my precious Trouble kitty, I’ll have to entrust my new Bitsy Boop to take over. If she could, but for all her cuteness, she can’t write MY story. Only you can write your story, so distractions aside, keep writing even if all you manage to squeeze out is ten words a day. That’s ten words you didn’t have before you sat down.

Day 7- 203

If you need inspiration, visit the NaNo site. There are forums, tips, ect. Join in and get the boost you need.

In the meantime, I have more writing to get done just to catch up. Check in tomorrow and see what progress I make.




Send your muse on vacation ~ NaNo Day 6~ #nanowrimo2017 #mfrwauthor #NaNOmuse


This week is the first Monday of the month which means UnCover Monthly time. To give that post, and the authors who waited so patiently to have their covers  shown, respect I decided to pause on my daily NaNo blog. Now, of course, I have a three day catch up to get done. It’s just too bad I can’t count all the blog posts I’ve racked up this week as NaNo word count! I’ll make these next three short and sweet (so I can get back to my NaNoing!), then later tonight or tomorrow I’ll post today’s post.

To start off I have another fun NaNo badge from the most awesome Silver James. Folks, when I say this woman is awesome, or any number of nice things, it’s not simply courtesy from one author to another. She truly is a sweet and kind and patient (one of the most patient I know) woman. I am also proud to call her a friend and fellow Okie. If you want to meet someone who you’ll love, visit Silver and say hi. Seriously! She’s letting me steal her NaNo badges! 😆

where he sits when I ignore him

So, I’ve been doing pretty good at not rereading or editing every word (too much) while I write during NaNo. Choppy has been pretty quiet this first week, which I thought might be why I haven’t been able to write a lot. Well, I’ve told him to stay on the back burner and just let me write, make mistakes, write horrible content, during this month. He didn’t like that, but he’s been compliant (notice where he insists on sitting when I ignore him –>).

<– Ok, so he butts in once and a while. Yes, I let him. Have you met Choppy? We-he-l-l-l, let me introduce you…

While you get acquainted… 😆

Day 6- 139 words

At the Orthopedics office,  for Andee’s appointment to get results of her knee MRI, I was able to open my wip (Word version since I haven’t purchased the Android/Windows Scrivener app yet) on my phone and wrote while we waited. People, I don’t have a ten inch phone and my 10 inch tablet was at home. I wrote these words on a small 5.5″ screen. LOL Just goes to prove anything is possible if we try. 😉

Unfortunately I didn’t have a chance to write more Tuesday with a day of errands, but it’s more words than I’ve been getting.

As my Daddy always said–God rest him–Tomorrow, the good lord willing and the creek don’t rise, is another day. 🙂 Happy NaNoing!


Nutrition is Crucial~ NaNo Day 5- #nanowrimo2017 #mfrwauthor #NaNotips #dontforgettoeat


Still hanging in there? Awesome!!!

Ready for more Silver James NaNo inspiration? Are you borrowing her badges too? She said it’s ok. 😉 So, Day 5. Her badge makes me remember I forgot to eat lunch, so I guess nutrition is a good tip for today.

Good thing hubby made me breakfast early this morning. But a midday snack never hurts progress at the keyboard, which I totally spaced on today. Do you have a “writing treat” you must have when pounding the keys?

In case you missed my hint the other day, I keep Hot Tamale candies close at hand most days to nibble on, and sometimes a Milky Way Simply Caramel mini bar, those two bite sized ones in a pack of 6. Hubby gets half of those. 🙂 I also have either water, coffee or Dr. Pepper at the ready.

I’m not a total junk-food-junkie, I also try to keep something protein at hand.

Okay, on to NaNo word count.

Day 5- Two sentences or about 23 words.

Not great by a long shot, my characters are giving me a bit of a hard time. Then it’s my turn to make them suffer. <evil grin>

But a wise woman said today, “Even if you only write 5 words, 500 words, 5000 words, or 50,000 words, it’s a win because 1) new words, but more importantly, 2) YOU ARE THINKING ABOUT WRITING!!!” ~ Silver James

She doesn’t even know I’m quoting her. I prefer to think I’m “sharing her wisdom”! 😆 I believe that’s what counts in the end though.

Of course, she also went on to say she’d gotten almost 3000 words yesterday… Some people just make it look too easy. LOL

If you are struggling with keeping up a steady 1667 words per day with NaNo (I am), it’s ok, and it’s ok to tell yourself it’s ok. If I don’t finish Nano…well, hell. I’ve already done better this year than I did in 2016, which I dropped on day 2 because I had a lot of stress going on in my personal life and I couldn’t handle my world, much less a fantasy one.

This year is different. This year is the first I’ve wanted to write in four years! Oh, I wrote here and there, but not always on the same WIP, which doesn’t get me very far on any one. But 2017 is MY year to make a comeback and I’m thrilled you are here for the ride!

Glad you stopped by! Tune in Monday for a new NaNo post and UnCover Monday will also go live at midnight tonight.
