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Writing that first draft~NANO Day 11~ #nanowrimo2017 #firstdraft #mfrwauthor #amwriting


Writing is like building. The more you add, the more people want experience the thrill for the first time. Readers are a big part of the writing process. There’s nothing worse than having a reader fall into the murky depths of a book they can’t relate to in even a small way.  You want a strong “bridge” off the bat to help your readers get to the end and then, want to revisit that bridge again, and again. 😀


Writing your first draft is the model of your intended project.  Once you have an acceptable model, you begin the framing and creating–rough draft edits 1-1000– until you have that finished masterpiece that others will see. Edits build a better, stronger ms, but you can’t edit what you haven’t written.

Wait to do improvements until it’s first finished. No builder remodels his bridge before it gets finished, and others have a chance to give it a test run.

Here’s a little extra for you. I subscribe to Writer’s Digest blog for their informative articles and tips on writing. Here’s one with tips on first drafts (what you’re writing during NaNo), by  Kathy Leonard Czepiel.

Just a reminder. Keep holding that inner editor at bay. Wait until you reach day 30, or 50K, before you turn that editing minion loose. Personally, I like to take a short breather from a completed first draft.

What about you? Do you have to take a week to congratulate or reward yourself for surviving NaNo? Two weeks, maybe you need more, to allow your brain to relax before jumping back in. I usually end up taking notes for my next project, which is usually already steeping on a back burner before I get half way on the current wip.

Here’s a thought, go check out Silver’s website and books while you let that wip set up. Multi-genre talent there, folks. Fantasy (embrace your inner fae!), paranormal (love you some alpha wolf shifters?) and contemporary romance (Sigh-cowboys). She’s a self-published author, small epress author and HQN~Big 5. Seriously, check her out!

After you’ve finished your NANO word count for the day, of course. 😉
