Category Archives: family

What is my earliest memory? and pics of a baby me~ #CalisaRhose #MFRWauthor #52weekchallenge2


Marketing For Romance Writers (whom is not actually only for romance writers, but ALL writers) started a 52 week blog challenge last year. Cool, huh? So, you’ll be seeing a lot more posts from me this year with this challenge and, hopefully, in my writing as well.

I don’t know how I missed this challenge last year, or maybe I was aware and I just don’t remember it. Which, ironically, goes with this second week’s preset topic; My earliest memory. Considering here lately I don’t seem to have any memory whatsoever, or at least no short term memory, now I have to sink back 45+ years to an early one! Well, here I go…

This is me. Cute little bugger, huh? I was about 4-6 months old, I believe. No, I don’t remember this particular moment, or where it was taken. I’m guessing Alva, OK. where I was born, since we supposedly moved to California when I was about 6 months old (and that’s not our California house or dogs behind me).

I remember, once in California, living on the farm owned by Daddy’s Greek boss in Lancaster until I was just over six years old when, we moved to Texas (where I had to repeat kindergarten because of the age/date of birth thing).

I think I was three in the color pic (that’s me on Momma’s right, my older sister on her left, and our older brother behind sis. It seemed my parents took quite a few pics in those fields surrounding our house because there are a butt load of them. 😆 

I admit, the country around Lancaster was beautiful, so I can’t really blame them.

But I digress. So, what is my earliest memory?

Before she was school age my sister and I were wild little hellions, running all over the Mojave desert (within range of Momma’s voice, of course). My birthday is late December, and hers late November- and two years older than me- so she didn’t start school until I was almost four. Which meant, I was alone, a lot, in the two years after she started school.

See what I mean? Those fields were the backdrop of many memories. This is my adorable parents.

One day when I was probably five, and this might not even be my earliest memory–those years were about childhood and it was all one big fantasy time for me of interchangeable memories–I had my bff with me, aka sister’s walking doll she told me not to play with. (I have a pic of the doll somewhere.) I was playing in the barn, talking to the boss’s many horses in their stalls. My favorite horse was a deep red three year old sorrel named V-O. He was off limits to us kids because, being a stallion, he was quite mean, or so we were warned. I loved him anyway and spent many hours sitting on his gate petting and talking to him, while my older sibs were in school. Of course, the grown-ups didn’t know what I was doing!

That day I heard the stock trailer rumble into the barnyard and I got very excited at the sound. The trailer always meant NEW HORSES!

I remember running with that doll, who could not keep up and  I don’t remember whatever happened to the doll after that. lol I got to the trailer just as the 2000 pound cargo unloaded. To this day, I can remember my breath escaping as I got my first look at the black-as-pitch massive horse with long, flowing mane and a thick tail that dragged in the dirt when he moved. All I do remember is how the sun gleamed off the slick fall coat of the huge beast.

It was the first time I’d ever seen a Frisian, though I didn’t know what he was at the time. I can still remember the giddy feeling as Gus Elliopus swung me up onto a back wide enough to play on! I grabbed a handful of that silky, wavy mane, and held on for dear life because it seemed like I was a hundred feet off the ground! And I rode him as Gus lead us across the barnyard and inside the barn.

That memory stops there. I don’t remember getting off the horse and I don’t recall ever seeing him again. It’s like a mystical dream of a five year old little girl. It is also one of my more vivid memories.

Here’s a horse that looks exactly like my memory,

Thank you for dropping by and I hope you enjoyed my little trip into the way back recesses of my mind. 😆 Join me and visit other authors earliest memories by clicking their links below.


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Day 2 NaNo! Buddy with Calisa Rhose! #nanowrimo2017 #mfrwauthor #amwriting


A quickie thanks to amazing author Silver James for creating these AWESOME NaNo daily inspiration badges and letting me steal them a day at a time! I added the frame on mine. Feel free to save-to-borrow your own copy, as she said to share them! Click on any of these badges all month to get to her website and check out her books.

It was a busy day today. I had a full day with minimal interruptions planned to write, write, write. Well, this is a perfect example of why I don’t make New Year’s resolutions. Planning ahead rarely works out for me. J

First thing, I checked a few emails. I do this each morning before starting a day of writing. Get that out of the way so I don’t get tempted to check it all day. Then I got side tracked.

My 12 year old granddaughter (gdd) whom lives with us hurt her knee in a bicycle crash last summer. Just when we thought it was nothing, it began hurting a lot, every day. So I took her to our Dr. who treated it with a cream to cure bursitis. He said he hoped it would help, because if not bursitis, then she likely broke her patella (knee cap) in half. Yikes! That would require surgery to put in pins to heal it. Not what I hoped to hear. Especially when, after two weeks, the cream had not helped at all.

I called to let the Dr. know and he came back with a referral to an orthopedic Dr. We saw that Dr. last week and he took x-rays and reviewed them with us. Thankfully, she did not break her patella. In fact, he said there was a calcium spur on the side of her knee but he had no way of knowing what caused it, or when. But nothing is broken. YAY!

Well, not quite. Since it’s not broken, now we don’t know what is causing her the extreme and constant pain. Next he ordered an MRI for Nov. 1. It didn’t get in the way of my writing, though having gdd calling to be picked up three hours before school was out because she couldn’t take the pain did sort of slow things. Actually, it slowed writing quite a bit, because that’s how I am when it comes to The Girl. Family always must be first for me. So I picked her up and later we went to get the MRI. We have an appointment Monday afternoon to get those results. I’ll keep you posted.

But in all the kid stuff I still got 631 words down. Not bad.

Today, day 2, not so good. The Girl woke up crying and in pain, so she stayed home from school and rested her leg all day with heat on it. I had research to do on the NaNo project, so I didn’t get any actual words written, though I did work on it. That’s ok. I’ll make up what word count I’m short along the way. J

Day 2- research, zero words

And on to another day.

If you think you want to NaNo, I urge you to give it a shot. It’s addictive!

If you already NaNo, look me up and we can be buddies! You can find me here. I think. I hope. If this link isn’t right, just type in Calisa Rhose. LOL

Until tomorrow…


Calisa Rhose says ~ Happy Birthday Wonderful Man!!!!! #mfrworg #myhusband


Today is dedicated to a special man. He’s the father of our three beautiful daughters, and half of what makes us proud grandparents to five beautiful little girls. We’ve been together for thirty-two years and celebrated a lot of holidays, birthdays and anniversaries. I wouldn’t change of him, or our life together. He’s my biggest hero, a man who can do or make anything. He’s my inspiration, totally encouraging in my early writing, he pushed me to submit to publishers and threw a party when I got my first contract. He is my real life romance hero.

Here’s to my life mate, soul mate and love of my life!

To my wonderful, handsome husband I wish you a happy, happy birthday! I love you, Mitchell. 😀


                 Turner Falls, Oklahoma 04-15-09

Calisa Rhose Blogging A to Z Challenge~ R is for… #MFRWAuthor #atozchallenge

A2Z-BADGE-000 [2015] - Life is Good


I’m back for the regular letter post. If you’re joining me for the first time, welcome! If you are returning, welcome and thanks for coming back for more of my rambles. 😀 I’ll be spending a bit of time today visiting other A to Z challengers and I hope you’ll click the logo above and do the same! Let’s get on with R!

R15R is for Remodel~

My father in-law has lived with us since  2011, shortly after his stroke. Recently he had another, small but undetectable, stroke that has caused him to lose almost all cognizance and common sense. Before that he was still able to do most things for himself; dress, take meds, do laundry, cook (in a microwave only), care for himself and his dog. Until he lost his license in a separate incident two years ago he could still drive, and did, to dr. appointments, fishing, to the dog park, grocery shopping, etc.

After four days in the hospital this month he came home, and it was immediately apparent we could not care for him here any longer. Physically, I’m unable to care for his needs while hubby works, and he has to work for obvious reasons. For whatever reasons he didn’t qualify for in-home care, nor would he allow it. It was a sad day for all of us, but we found a nice ‘home’ for father in-law to move to and he is adjusting so far.


Closet and new light fixture

Now we are remodeling the two rooms that were his suite in our house. We will now move into that downstairs bedroom and I’m excited not to have to travel, a million times a day, up and down those darn stairs that caused a broken rib, and sprained ankle for me in the first eight months we lived here. Within two months after moving in I slipped on the stairs. The carpet was pretty old and slick, no match for my bare feet. I had my socks in one hand and a full cup of coffee in the other and down I headed. Our stairs have a landing half way and I was three steps down from the top when my left foot slipped out from under me. Socks went one way and coffee another, while I went down two more steps I don’t recall touching. I never dropped my cup, though it was emptied! LOL I sprained my right ankle when I landed. I went on about my day, we were building the horse pens so I could bring my Sonny Boy home. That night I ended up in emergency with a painful, swollen and badly sprained ankle.


Removed closet door

It was a few months later that, while coming down stairs I was almost to the floor when I slipped on the carpeted stairs again. I landed on the ground floor just as fil came from his room. I almost took out his little dogs. I told him I was fine and got up, got Andee off to school and settled in to write. I couldn’t hardly breathe all day. I called Mitch and told him to bring hand rails home to mount to the stairs. I don’t know why the original or previous owners never installed that one crucial thing! But nobody did. Maybe I’m the only person the house had it in for. 😆 He brought the rails home and installed them immediately after getting home. A couple of hours later I finally caved and had him take me to the emergency to learn I’d broken a rib. Soon after, we pulled all the carpet in the house, save for in the one room downstairs. My second broken rib was my fault and happened on the back porch steps a year later after a ice/snow storm. Do not run down icy steps!


New closet door in bathroom hall

So we’ve torn the bedroom down stairs apart, moved the closet door, added a light in the hall of the bathroom and stripped the last of the original carpet out to be replaced with hardwood flooring, like the rest of the house now has. It’s a gutted mess right now, but we hope to have it finished by May. We’ll replace that burnt orange with a lovely beige color on the walls, which will also run throughout the house (now a horrid rotten-hard-boiled-egg-yolk yellow!) The downstairs bath will have an ocean theme with an aqua lower wall and golden sand on the upper half of the wall.

We painted Andee’s room two summers back in a nice blue she loves and our current room is a weird pink. The living room will get the beige with a teal or burgundy accent wall.

Then I can carry out plans for our current room upstairs. It will get a face lift in beige and green once we move out. More on that later. All I’ll say for now is that I’m very excited about those plans and my work future! 🙂

These are plans we’ve had since buying this house, but fil’s illnesses prevented us from using chemicals and paints so we put it off for his comfort.


O-Q I’ve done it again, casts, grandkids and new boots #MFRWAuthor #catchup #atozchallenge

A2Z-BADGE-000 [2015] - Life is Good


Once again, I find myself playing catch up. Maybe I should let fate win and just give up. 😆 Nope. Not my style. So here we go with O through Q and then I’ll do today’s post later today.

O15 is for~

Overwhelming. This last two weeks have been this way. But I think things will slow down soon. For now, this is all I can say for today’s letter. LOL


P15is for~

Positivity. My sister has five acres that she shares with her daughter and sil and her only grandchild. She loves  having her baby boy so close and babysitting him while both parents work. I have two of my five grandgirls close (Andee lives with us) and wish the other three were closer. One is about an hour away, Andee’s baby sister, and the other two are way out in California with their parents. I miss my oldest daughter terribly, and her two girls. Kaia was four the last time we saw her, she’s now seven. Little sister was just two when I saw her, Safira is four now. I speak to them regularly on the phone, but it’s not the same. Sp I have to look for the positives in this situation. They are old enough to talk to me. We have phones that don’t require long distance bills. I once called a friend in Canada and it cost me $11 for less than a half hour! I can’t hug them, but they know who I am. Two of my girls never even got to meet my grandmother and my mom passed before my first daughter was born. I feel so blessed to be able to know all of my grandkids even from a distance. 🙂

If your grandbabies are near you, give them a hug every chance you get. Have a blessed day! 😀


Q15  is for~


5-2014 cast #3

5-2012 cast #3

Andee has had a quest since she broke her arm on the 7th of April.

When she broke her arm the first time three years ago she had one cast striped. They didn’t have the colors she wanted then so she ‘settled’ for pink and purple. She is a tomboy so pink is not her favorite color. lol She wanted blue camo, but they didn’t have that color either. Go figure! LOL Once again, she was determined to

4-20-15 cast #2, and new boots

4-20-15 cast #2, and new boots

get a striped cast. They still don’t have blue camo, but she didn’t want it this time, so that’s ok. I took her for a check up yesterday and they renewed her cast with another full arm length one. She was a little bummed about that because it means continued restrictions on physical activity. Nope, no cartwheels this next ten days either! 😆 She got red with blue stripes and I have to say I kind of like it, though I did try to get her to go with green again, like the last one. I was also the first to sign this one. 😀

To top it off, I’d gotten her new boots while she was at her momma’s this weekend. She hasn’t stopped wearing them. Guess she likes them. And you can’t beat $35 boots for $10 after clearance and BoGo deals! I want some now. LOL

Oddly, on 4-7-15 she broke her arm exactly two weeks short of three years to the day she broke it the first time. Today, 4-21, marks that anniversary of the first break in 2012.

Well, that’s the latest. See you later for Tuesday’s regular letter post!



We Welcome a New Family Member to the Rhose Household! #MFRWAuthor #newfamilymember


I was going to write about something else today, but something happened over the weekend that changed my mind. I have a little story to tell you. No, it’s not a romance, or at least, not the kind I typically write. There is no to-die-for hero. No spunky heroine looking for Mr. Right. This is a love story that falls closer to home. Actually in my home.

We’re not goat people…


Andee with her Igor

But my granddaughter, apparently, is.

I didn’t share the story of July 2013 when Igor the pygmy goat came to our little farm (and the attack rooster left!) to the delight of our granddaughter, Andee, who lives with us. Igor, or Iggy as we call him, thinks he’s more dog than goat. Maybe it’s the dog kennel he lives in? Whatever it is, he takes every opportunity to invite himself inside when the doggie door is left unrestricted and he’s not in his pen. Of course, we show him the way back out and close the door at those times. The ‘real’ dogs don’t like him inside, though he’s never had any ‘accidents’. LOL

I am a horse person 🙂

Nor did I share in November 2013 when Apple the blessing pony came to live with us–for the same reason, to delight the grandgirls. Apple has become a best friend to my 22 year old quarter horse, Sonny. He needs a companion in his old age and adores Apple. They look like twinkies almost. Don’t you think so? 🙂 She belongs to all five grandgirls, but mostly to Andee who cares for her. It took us several months to find just the right pony and we’re very happy with our blessing pony. Both she and Iggy are members of the family now.

(L-R) Apple, Sonny

(L-R) Apple, Sonny

And I’m a Cavey pet

In January 2014 I got Giggles, my guinea pig (or cavey), and Andee decided Giggles needed a playmate, so in June she got Gizmo with her own money. Sadly, in September I lost Giggles at ten months old. I really miss her, but Gizmo still thrives as the smallest member of our little farm menagerie. 🙂

Jetta, who has been with Andee since both were babies, is getting very old. This past summer Andee realized (as kids will do eventually) that her old dog, who is nine, as is Andee, will inevitably die–sooner than later. She began to worry about when Jetta takes that trek over the Rainbow Bridge. What will happen to Andee? Who will she hug at night? Who will she confide in and cry on when Jetta leaves her? Then it occurred to her, and us as well, that she needs a puppy to learn from Jetta now, while she’s able–before Jetta leaves her.

But we’re especially dog pets

Mind you, we already have five small dogs, including Jetta, but only Jetta is hers. Then she decided she needs a bigger dog, one that can run and do things a small dog can’t or won’t do, or that an old dog can’t. Though Jetta has done fine all these years, she’s slowed way down lately. I’ve wanted another big dog for a while anyway, to guard the property (from the safety of the fenced yard, of course), so her wish was good timing. We’d get an outdoor dog, but one who can also come inside.

(L-R) Giggles, Gizmo

(L-R) Giggles, Gizmo

A Husky was her choice. So in the fall we began the search. Any dog we got did not require papers or stupendous bloodlines. It wouldn’t matter since ‘she’, whatever dog we got, would be spayed as none of our dogs are bred anyway. We are not breeders, we are family members of various species.

Since Santa didn’t bring a red Husky with vibrant blue eyes, it fell to me to come through. My first choice was a rescue baby. I found the perfect Husky over Christmas vacation. She was almost one year old. The age was important. We did not want to go through that chewing, potty training, nuisance stage so had decided an eight month to one year old would fit our needs. Besides, it’s easy for cute puppies to find homes, something untrue for many older dogs. I did a lot more research of the Husky breed. I need to know what I’m getting into before I get into a situation I may not be able to get back out of, or get an animal out of with a positive outcome

What I learned horrified me in a funny way.

Huskies shed!

I think most people think of Huskies as cute or beautiful fluffy dogs like this (and you have to look at these pics to understand the hilarity behind my horror! LOL) . And they are beautiful or cute, depending on their age.

But they shed. Yeah, okay, stop laughing. I know most dogs do shed. I know that.

But not like THIS!

Again, you have to see this to get it!!! (and since I don’t own these pics I’m just linking to them)

After showing Andee similar pictures and explaining that the breed goes through what is called “blowing coat”, or “blowout”, at least twice a year, and in warmer states– like Oklahoma where we are–some “blow” three times in a year…and that really blows! Pun intended. 😀 We agreed that a Husky may not be the best breed match for our family. After all, we were looking for a new family member who can be inside or out. I’m not cleaning up all that hair!! O-O



There was another negative of that breed for us. You see, we don’t have a six foot fence to keep one in. All of our dogs are more likely to go through a crack than jump a three foot fence. But Huskies do jump, and dig…bad…like ten foot long, two feet deep trenches in twenty minutes bad– and like to run. And run, and run, and run, and… *deep breath* You get the idea. 😆 So, no Husky.

Searching for just the right new family member

Last Saturday, Andee came home to ask if she could have a puppy from some of her friends. Knowing the people, they live right up our road a few houses, I hesitated taking a dog from them for a couple of reasons. One, I know them and how they care for their animals, we want a healthy one. But the other pressing reason was the puppies are eight months old already. Yes, we were open to that age, but I don’t want to get a puppy that is old enough to run back ‘home’ every time it goes outside since they do live so close. We went through that with one of our own puppies years ago that we let a neighbor take. Less than a week later he ‘came home’ several times…in two days. :/ Another no for that dog.

The right breed is very important

Choosing the right breed of dog for your family is critical. We decided we’d try to find a mixed breed of Shepherd and possibly Heeler or Border Collie in the blood. Intelligent dogs, all these breeds, good with kids and, typically, with other animals, too. We checked all sorts of rescues and humane societies in our area, but they didn’t have what we were looking for. By now we’d come to the decision a younger dog is better than a one year old (bad experience along the dog search line with one of that age). We wanted one we could mold and train to our needs and grow with Andee. I still dread the puppy phase, but we can’t have everything, I guess. lol

But finding ‘the dog’ was becoming a real disappointment. By this time last week Mr. Rhose and I were leaning toward no dog at all. Yes, it broke her heart, but she learned it pays to be patient when you want something specific.

And just when we were ready to give up…

And by now you’re probably ready to give up as well. But keep reading. You’ll be happy you did!

Out of the blue Sunday, my daughter called to ask if we would be interested in a German Shepherd-Blue Heeler+Boxer mix. Three months old. Okay, I absolutely LOVE Boxers! Have owned three over the years. But they are highly active, and these days I’m not so much. But this pup was mixed with two more stable breeds so how bad can it be? She’s younger than I preferred (that chew/potty thing) but one look at a picture and I was in love and I knew Andee would be too. She was also the runt, which was why I chose her over the larger sister. An hour later daughter and I met up with her friend from high school and met our new family member.

No, she’s not the rescue fur baby we wanted, but I’m okay with that this time. Now, before anyone decides to lecture me on the positives of a rescue animal–there’s no need. We have a rescue baby with Lucy, our 7 yo chi, and she wasn’t our first over the years. For myself, I would have held out for another rescue dog, but sometimes those aren’t the best kid dogs and this one is for Andee, not me.

Meet Roxy

It took three names in two days before Andee hit on the one she felt suited this precious little girl. So I’m thrilled to present Moxy Roxy.

1/26/15 Roxy's first full day with us.

1/26/15 Roxy’s first full day with us.

As you can see, upon first meeting Roxy, Andee didn’t like her new baby at all! 😆 Sorry it’s so blurry, I think it was the wind.

Jan. 25th. The moment Andee met Roxy! (whom she calls Roxy Ann now)

Monday she’d already killed her first squirrel. But no worry, I was able to resuscitate it with a crinkly plastic inside after she ate the squeaky thing and dug all the cotton stuffing out of it. LOL Not really, Wednesday night she decided to dig the squeaker out of wherever the heck she’d hid it to play with it again. It went into the trash so she doesn’t choke on it.


Tuesday she proved she’s quite the gamer when she took on an Angry Bird that attacked.

Angry Bird attack!!!

That night she took on Andee. Dirty fighter. She favors hair-pulling.

Roxy conquers Andee

One of my first rules was she is not allowed on the couch as a puppy because when she’s bigger she’ll want to get on furniture and I have to fight daily for my chair with Mr. Rhose’s boy chihuahua, Spike, as it is. My rules will be followed and obeyed!

sleepy dog

 Unless it’s this one, apparently. I can already see where this is going by day three.

Okay, so I knew by day two, when Andee played with both her babies…on the couch. 😀

At least the two pooches get along. That was a big concern with any dog Andee got.


L-R: Jetta, Andee, Roxy

A cat rules the roost


Trouble in her usual spot on my chair arm


Ah well. We love our babies. And hey, Roxy even gets along with the cat, and persnickety kitty doesn’t seem to mind the new dog either. Though they aren’t best buds, they co-habitate peacefully. Today I found Trouble sitting on Roxy’s crate, with the dog inside. See why her name is Trouble? What cat taunts the new kid? LOL

(this picture is not that moment)


Oh, and that chew-potty thing? Yeeaah. No. She is trying to eat my custom, hubby-made coffee table! She also had two accidents Wednesday, one of each. I don’t think they were accidents so much as her trying to prove she doesn’t have to go outside…like a dog. The reason I think this is because both times I had just brought her in from a potty trip. *sigh*

And so it begins…

So, with that, you’ve met most of our fur babies. Thanks for visiting, and I apologize for this extraordinarily long post. Thanks for hanging around to the end. You might as well leave a comment since you read the WHOLE thing! 😆 What is the best age of a new dog, or cat, for you? Do you find your own age has anything to do with that all important decision? I know I do. 🙂

I hope you’ll come back next Thursday, when I have a writing post planned. Go figure. LOL


B ~ Blogging from A to Z ~ B is for #Birthdays #AtoZ #Blogging

atoz [2014] - BANNER - 910


Welcome to the round pen where I’ll blog every day in April– except Sundays– through every letter in the alphabet. I’ll be talking about a variety of things all month long. Each day the post will be about something beginning with the corresponding alphabet letter.  It might be writing related, or you might learn something new about me. Don’t forget to click on the awesome banner the A to Z team gave us to find all the other bloggers who are filling your April with interesting and fun posts!

April 2 …

I’ve been so busy lately with BIRTHDAYS. In three weeks I helped two, of my five, beautiful little granddaughters celebrate another year. I thought it would be fun to share a little of these fun days.

IMG_20140315_163847Kia close-upFirst up- Nikkia ‘Kia’ turned 5 on my late daddy’s birthday, March 18th- unplanned. On an interesting aside, Kia’s momma (my daughter) was specifically planned for and born on my late momma’s birthday, May 10th.

Kia is 1/4 Japanese and 3/4 mix of other nationalities, including– but not limited to–British, Irish, French and Cherokee from her mother’s side. I love the facial expressions she makes and her little Japanese eyes crinkle so adorably. She takes after her mother in almost every way, except for her daddy’s eyes and light olive complexion. She will be a real man-killer when this one grows up.

Too bad for all those future hopefuls that she’s already ‘married’ to her Pre-K “husband” Chayton! LOL Just ask them and they will both tell you. He never left her side during her cake decorating and pizza-making birthday party at a local bakery. His parents, in the background, were expecting Chayton’s second baby brother any day then. The middle boy, Axton, was also at the party. Caius made his appearance a week later. The parents’ names? Bobbie IMG_20140315_163956and Elvis. 😆

Last week mommy and daughter went to get their hair cut alike. Yesterday Kia decided her bangs needed to be one inch long…on one side. Momma took her to get her hair ‘fixed’ today without taking pictures first. Dang it! 🙂 I dare you to say you’ve never cut your own hair, or a sibs, as a child! 😆


Andee's cake 3.29.14Next was Andee, who turns 9 tomorrow, April 3rd. Her grampa and I have legal guardianship of her right now and we decided to give her a skating party last Saturday. What fun everyone had!

Andee's giftsI’m still waiting for more pics of that party, but her best friend, Izaya and her best girlfriend, Jayden made it, among other friends and lots of family. Andee wanted horses on her cake, being our little horsewoman. 🙂 Our little cowgirl made out like a bandit in gifts!

Andee on Sonny 09-2013

Andee on Sonny 09-2013

She’s not the least afraid of my 1200 pound, 21 yo Quarterhorse, Sonny, whom Andee learned to ride on at age two! But after falling head-first off him the day this pic was taken (and getting right back on!), she decided it would be nice to have a horse her size to play on. One she could get on by herself and ride with minimal supervision–that is her vision, we watch her constantly still– which led to a six month hunt that concluded with her new 6 yo quarter-pony, Apple.

Apple 11-2013

Apple 11-2013

Apple is actually a combined Christmas gift for all five granddaughters, but primarily Andee’s since we board and she cares for her alone. 🙂 So it was no wonder Andee asked for horses on her birthday cake. Or that she requested I redo her (newly redecorated last summer) butterfly garden-themed room to horses this year. LOL

So, that’s it for the letter B

Happy birthday to my two little angels! Now I’ll have to do another post on the two youngest babies who had birthdays in January. 🙂 Fun!


Happy Holidays and a FREE book!


I was inspired today to get into the holiday spirit. Next week we might even have snow to up that inspiration.

The tree is up and decked, the nativity arranged on the coffee table and Christmas shows are on the Hallmark channel. I love this time of year! Not only because it’s my birthday month and all the presents, but because of the spirit it seems to bring out in people.

A lot of people grumble that Christmas is too commercialized to enjoy anymore. Maybe that’s true. I am one of those people who refuse to let that commercialism dampen my spirit. I am a true believer in Santa Claus and the reindeer and all Christmas stands for!

So…I thought I’d spread a little cheer by decorating my website some too. Now for the presents…

I’ll give away a copy of Home, my vintage historical to someone who shares their favorite Christmas story! It can be funny, sad, poignant–whatever you want to share. I’ll even begin.

Some of you may know my birthday is three days after Christmas– also the anniversary of my first book, Home coincidentally– so I often got birthdays ON Christmas. Not fair! Not fun, either since I felt cheated each year. But on my fifteenth birthday I felt cheated worse than any other year. My parents were divorced when I was eleven so Mom would send my gift from Washington state and I looked forward to that package (even if she did send it C.O.D. a few years later). My dad had remarried and it was our first Christmas with a new family, lots of presents for Christmas and Mom’s gift was late, which meant I’d get a gift AFTER Christmas! WOO HOO!! 

Oh- sure, let that be the year I finally got a tape recorder from her I’d wanted for-EVER! I would have been so much more excited had I not come down with what my dad called the Russian flu. I don’t know why he called it that, but I suspect it was because it just sort of rushed in on me. 🙂 He had a weird sense of humor like that. So there I was all wrapped up in a fever and my cozy blanket holding my shiny new recorder and…no voice. Yup. I had laryngitis with my flu and couldn’t speak for the better part of a week after getting my prize. Somehow, it didn’t seem to matter. It was the best birthday ever because I got what I wanted and it wasn’t on Christmas! 😆

Would you believe all these years later I still have that tape recorder? Oh, and since marrying Mitch 29 years ago, I haven’t had a birthday on Christmas! It’s a win-win. 😀

Okay, your turn! And Happy Holidays!!!!


Baby, You get me ~ Calisa Rhose


It’s Verterans Day and I offer a prayer to all those who do and have served in the military in any capacity. The Ranch has our flag flying proud regardless of the storms Mother Nature has battered parts of the country with.

Speaking of Mother Nature, I want to share a little of my weekend. I’ve said I’m gonna be a grandmother again. This one will be our fifth granddaughter. Where’s the beef, hell! I wanna know WHERE THE BOYS ARE?!!? This baby will be my oldest granddaughter, Andee’s (who lives with hubby and me) half sister, by our middle girl.  

We had the baby shower this weekend- and as is becoming my new ‘bad’ habit since my camera broke in June, I forgot to borrow a one. Thank goodness for camera phones.

IMG_20121110_160710.jpgThe pink and purple butter cream-frosted cake and scrumptious!

Last week we went to see our first realistic picture of little Mackenzie Jean by way of technology and 4D ultrasounds. Andee deemed her an alien. What say you?

Mackenzie Jean Joyce-29 weeks (face)
Due Jan 29, 2013
*My eyes can now blink in response to light and dark,
and my bone marrow is making red blood cells.”

‘Kenzie- meet the World.

World- meet my little ‘Kenzie!


29 and counting! <3 <3











I wish a very

to us.

After twenty-nine wedded, though not always blissful, years- I love you more and more each day.

You are my rock.

My soulmate.

Thank you for three beautiful daughters who have blessed us with five lovely miniatures of themselves.

I wouldn’t trade a one for anything in the world because each is a part of you and me–proof of a long lasting and beautiful love.


with all my heart, Mitchell! Here’s to another 29 years!